Editing Graphical Elements

The Element Properties dialog for a rectangle element only contains general properties – see Editing General Properties.

The Element Properties dialog for a line element only contains general properties – see Editing General Properties.

There is one difference – the “Size and Position” group box for a line element contains the coordinates of the starting and ending points of the line, instead of the coordinates of the top left corner of the bounding rectangle and width/height as for other elements.

Select this option if the image is loaded from a file rather than calculated by the system (see below). Press the Browse button to specify the image file (must be gif or jpeg format).

If you want borders around the image click on the Borders property of the element and select “Display borders” radio button. The values you need to specify are the same as for the borders of the text element.

Select this option if the image element is calculated by a scriptlet plug-in. You must also specify the scriptlet’s module – see Setting System Calculation Properties.

Select how the image should be aligned in the horizontal direction within its bounding rectangle. Choose between the Left, Right and Center alignments.

Select how the image should be aligned in the vertical direction within its bounding rectangle. Choose between the Top, Bottom and Middle alignments. The Baseline alignment is also available for presentations (this alignment corresponds to the baseline alignment in HTML).

This property is only available for presentations. Define this property if you want the image element to represent a hyperlink. Clicking on the hyperlink in the Operation Mode will invoke an action as specified in the properties of the hyperlink. To set the properties of the hyperlink press the Details button next to the Hyperlink checkbox and set the properties on the Hyperlink dialog – see Setting Hyperlink Properties.

  • Last modified: 2022/12/14 07:28