Adding/Editing Business Object Groups

The following section describes how to work with the editor of business object groups when adding a new group or editing an existing one. Business object groups are described in the Business Object Groups section.

The editor of business object groups can be started as described in Working with Configuration Elements. The following properties of a business object group must be specified:

Specify the name of the business object group uniquely identifying it within the business space version. The following restrictions apply:

  1. The name must start with a character (not digit) or underscore symbol. All other symbols in the name must be either characters (including underscore symbol) or digits. No spaces or special symbols are allowed.
  2. The name must be unique among the names of other business objects, business object groups and notifications.
  3. The name cannot start with one of the instance prefixes – This, That, Added, Removed, LoggedIn or Changed.
  4. The name cannot be one of the reserved names – File, Day, Question, EmailSender, ReceivedEmail, IncomingEmail.
  5. The name must not be the name of the basic attribute types – Number, Date, Duration, Timestamp, Shortcut, Document or Picture.

Specify a description of the business object group. Providing a description is highly recommended. Any description if defined is included into the generated documentation for the business space version – see Generating Documentation.

These are business objects that the group contains. At least one business object must be defined (most business object groups will have at least two members). To define business objects as group members select the objects in the left list box containing all business objects defined in the business space version (you can use SHIFT and CONTROL keys to select multiple objects) and press the Right arrow button to move the selected objects into the right list box. Similarly if you want to delete certain business objects select the objects in the right list box and press the Left arrow button to move them into the left list box.

Presentations can be defined to provide a custom layout of the attributes of a business object group members when the instance(s) of the group’s members are displayed by a query or by a process. The presentation concept for a business object group is exactly the same as the one for a business object. The presentation defined for a business object group applies to all members of the group. See Defining Presentations for details.


If the members of a Business Object Group contain PROTECT rules and the Business Object Group is used in a Query, then each instance of the Business Objects that make up the Business Object Group will be loaded into context individually. This can have a speed impact on Queries on the Business Object Group where the query returns a large result set. To implement PROTECT rules without impacting the speed of Queries use the IN FORMS switch for PROTECT rules.
  • Last modified: 2023/03/08 01:07