Editing Report/Presentation Elements

To edit report or presentation elements:

  1. Select one or more elements – see Selecting Elements.
  2. Move or scale the elements graphically see Scaling and Moving Elements
  3. Click on the buttons of the toolbar to change certain properties of the elements, such as the background color, font settings (for text and tags) etc – see Using Toolbar to Change Report Presentation Elements.
  4. Alternatively change properties of the element(s) in the Selection Properties window – see Changing Element Properties.

To select a report/presentation element, click anywhere in the area occupied by the element or draw a rectangle around the element(s). When an element is selected the little black markers are displayed around the element. Alternatively find an element in the Outline View window and click on its textual entry in this window. This will automatically select the element in the Design Area as well


If several elements are overlapping and you click on the overlapping area an element that was created last is selected. If you want to select a different element use “Bring To Front” and “Send to Back” commands – see Miscellaneous Commands.

To select multiple elements within the same band:

  1. Select one element using the technique described above.
  2. Press down SHIFT or CTRL key to select other elements.
  3. Alternatively press the mouse button on some point not occupied by any element and hold down the mouse button to drag a box around the elements you want to select. When you release the mouse button all elements enclosed by the box will be selected.

You can also move the selection between the elements of the current band.

  1. To move the selection to the next element in the band (after the currently selected element), press the N key on the keyboard. If no element is selected the first element in the band will be selected.
  2. To move the selection to the previous element in the band (before the currently selected element), press the P key on the keyboard. If no element is selected the last element in the band will be selected.

Once an element is selected you can scale or move it graphically (see Scaling and Moving Elements) or edit its properties using the Properties Selection window (see Changing Element Properties).

To scale a report or presentation element graphically:

  1. Make sure that the element is selected – see Selecting Elements.
  2. Press the mouse button on one of the markers around the element and drag the marker to scale the selected element up or down. When you release the mouse button the element will be scaled. You can also hold down SHIFT key while dragging to make sure that scaling is proportional in both directions.

To move report or presentation elements:

  1. Make sure that the elements are selected – see Selecting Elements.
  2. Press the mouse button anywhere inside the area occupied by any of the selected elements and drag the elements to a new position. When you release the mouse button the elements will be moved. You can also hold down SHIFT key while dragging to constraint the movement in a horizontal or vertical direction.


You can also press the arrow keys on the keyboard to nudge the selected elements left, right, up or down.

See also:

To delete report or presentation elements:

  1. Make sure that the elements are selected – see Selecting Elements.
  2. Press the Del key on the keyboard. Alternatively click on the icon in the toolbar or select Delete from the Edit menu.

To copy report or presentation elements to the clipboard:

  • Make sure that the elements are selected – see Selecting Elements.
  • Press Ctrl-C key on the keyboard. Alternatively click on the icon in the toolbar or select Copy from the Edit menu.

To paste the elements from the clipboard:

  • Press Ctrl-V key on the keyboard. Alternatively click on the icon in the toolbar or select Paste from the Edit menu.

Once an element or elements are selected (see Selecting Elements) it is possible to edit them in the Selection Properties window.

Most properties are specific to the type of element being edited, however, some general properties are common for any element.

See also:

  • Last modified: 2022/09/13 18:15