Setting Menu Item Properties

A menu consists of menu items. You can add an item to a menu if you select the menu entry in the tree structure of the editor and click on the icon at the top of the editor. To delete the item click on the icon. The following properties of the menu item can be specified in the Selection Properties window:

Specify the name of the menu item. Any text is acceptable.

Click on this property to specify the command that will run when the item is selected. When you specify the command in most cases you also need to provide the settings specific to the selected command. The commands available and their settings are listed in the table below:

Command Description of the action in the Operation Mode Settings
Folder The item represents a folder, which can only have child items and no actions. None
Active Processes Displays a list of the currently active processes (see Rules and Transactions). None
Change Login Details Brings up a form displaying attribute values of the currently logged in user so that she can change the login name, password etc. None
Change Perspective Switches visual perspectives by displaying the specified perspective. Select a visual perspective to switch to from the list of perspectives defined in the business space version.
Configure User Defined Processes This command is only available if the product includes the “User Defined Processes” option. This command allows administrators of the system to configure “User Defined Processes” module – define access levels and user friendly names of objects and attributes used in the module. For more details about user defined processes please watch the User Defined Processes. None
Create Business Space Creates a new business space in the Operation Mode (see Working with Aware IM in Hosting Environment). None
Create Document Creates document(s) from the specified document template(s) (see Document Generation) If more than one document template is specified for this item Aware IM displays a choice of these document templates when the user selects the menu item. At run time the user will be able to define a query to be used as the data source for the resolution of tag expressions (see Document Generation) Select a document template(s) to be used by the action by selecting them from the list of all document templates available in the business space version.
Create Object Brings up a form for the specified business object to create a new instance of this object (see Business Object Form) If more than one business object is specified for this item Aware IM displays a choice of these business objects when the user selects the menu item. Select a business object(s) to be used by the action by selecting them from the list of all business objects available in the business space version.
Create Process Allows end users to define their own processes (“user defined processes”). This command is only available if the product includes the “User Defined Processes” option None
Export Exports instances of the specified business object into a file on disk (see Export and Import) If more than one business object is specified for this item Aware IM displays a choice of these business objects when the user selects the menu item. Select a business object(s) to be used by the action by selecting them from the list of all business objects available in the business space version.
Execute Javascript Executes the specified Javascript Specify the Javascript to execute
Go Back Goes back to the previous screen (especially useful for mobile phones). None
Go Online This command finishes the “offline mode” (when the system works with no Internet connection) and starts synchronizing edits performed while offline with the system’s database. For more details watch this video tutorial None
Home Page Displays the initial page (which is usually shown immediately after the user logs in) – see also Setting Main Page Properties]]. None
Other Menu Items
Import Imports instances of the specified business object into the system from a file on disk (see Export and Import) If more than one business object is specified for this item Aware IM displays a choice of these business objects when the user selects the menu item. Select a business object(s) to be used by the action by selecting them from the list of all business objects available in the business space version.
Input Control Allows adding text boxes and combo-boxes to the menu of the toolbar type. Very similar to defining text boxes and combo-boxes for content panels with static HTML
List Business Spaces Lists existing business spaces in the Operation Mode and allows deleting or changing properties of the selected business space (see Working with Aware IM in Hosting Environment). None
List Business Space Versions Lists all existing business space versions of the current business space in the Operation Mode and allows deleting or changing properties of the selected business space versions (see Working with Aware IM in Hosting Environment). None
Locale Editing Allow users to edit locale strings. This can be useful if end users need the ability to customise strings for their application. This command is only available if the product includes the “User Defined Processes” option. For more details about user defined processes please watch the video tutorial. None
Login Displays the screen allowing users to enter their credentials (user name and password) to log into the application. None
Logout Logs out of the application. Specify a URL of the page that will be displayed after the logout is complete. By default this is the page that just shows a message that the logout has been completed.
Manage Import/Export Templates This command allows end users to define their own templates for importing or exporting data in Aware IM. See this video tutorial for more details about import/export templates.
Manage Import/Export Templates Events For every run of import/export templates Aware IM creates an event. This command allows users to see these events. For more details about import/export templates see this video tutorial.
Manage E-mail Templates This command is only available if the product includes the “User Defined Processes” option. Allows end users to create, edit and delete e-mail templates to be used when defining their processes. For more details about user defined processes please watch the video tutorial. None
Manage Queries Allows end users to add, edit and delete their own queries (see Building Query in the Operation Mode). None
Manage Processes This command is only available if the product includes the “User Defined Processes” option. Allows end users to edit, delete, copy, export, import and lock their processes. For more details about user defined processes please watch the video tutorial. None
Manage Process Events This command is only available if the product includes the “User Defined Processes” option. Aware IM creates an event record every time a user-defined process is executed. This command allows users to view these records. For more details about user defined processes please watch the video tutorial. None
Offline Data Management This command allows the user to specify which data will be available in the “offline mode”. For more details watch this video tutorial. None
Prepare for Offline This menu command should be used to start the “offline mode” (working with the system with no Internet connection). For more details watch this video tutorial. Select a visual perspective that will be used in the offline mode
Profiling On This menu command turns Performance Profiling on. None
Profiling Off This menu command turns Performance Profiling off and displays profiling report. None
Publish Business Space Version Uploads the business space version from a file into the Aware IM server in the Operation Mode (see Working with Aware IM in Hosting Environment). None
Register User Registers a new user. The action will bring up a form to fill out and create an instance of a user object when the form is submitted. This action may be useful for “guest” users who want to register with the system – see Adding/Editing Access Levels. Select a business object (must be a member of the SystemUsers group) that will be created by the action.
Run Query Runs the specified query and displays the instances found by the query (see Running Query in the Operation Mode) If more than one query is specified for this item Aware IM displays a choice of these queries when the user selects the menu item. Select a query(ies) to be used by the action by selecting them from the list of all queries available in the business space version.
Run User Defined Queries Allows end users to execute the queries they have defined (see “Manage Queries” operation above) None
Run User Defined Processes This option allows users to run processes that they define provided that the trigger of the processes allows running them from the menu. For more details about user defined processes please watch the video tutorial.
Search Objects Shows the screen which allows the user to search for all instances of the selected business object, run the existing query or build a new query (see Running Query in the Operation Mode).
Show/Hide Left Menu This command can only be used for the top bar frame. It is only applicable if you also define a menu for the left frame. When the user clicks on the button representing this menu item in the top toolbar Aware IM will toggle visibility of the menu defined for the left frame. Unlike the Slide-In commands the left menu will not disappear when the user selects a menu item. Tick the checkbox whether to hide the menu initially and also tick the checkbox whether to hide the menu completely or leave icons only.
Slide In Left Frame/Slide In Right Frame These commands can only be used for the top bar frame. They are only applicable if you also define a menu for the left or right frames. When the user clicks on the button representing this menu item in the top toolbar Aware IM will slide-in the menu defined for the left or right frame. The slide-in menu will disappear once the user selects a leaf item in the menu. This method can be used for defining slide-in menus for mobile phones. None
Slide In Control Panel This menu item can be very useful for implementing responsive applications. When the user clicks on the button representing this command Aware IM will slide-in the specified content panel from your visual perspective. This content panel can be displayed on big screens, but automatically hidden on smaller screens. Clicking the button on such smaller screens will slide-in the panel back into view. You need to specify the panel that will slide in as well as the screen width. If the screen size is less than the specified width the panel will be hidden and the menu button will be automatically displayed. On bigger screens the panel will be visible and the menu button hidden.
Start Process Runs the specified process. If more than one process is specified for this item Aware IM displays a choice of these processes when the user selects the menu item. Select the process(es) to be used by the action by selecting them from the list of all processes available in the business space version.
System Settings Creates a single instance of the SystemSettings object if it has not been created yet, or edits the exitsing instance. None
Text Allows adding arbitrary HTML to the toolbar menu. Specify HTML to be displayed in the menu.
URL Displays a page at the specified URL. Specify the URL to go to as well as where to display the page.

Specify where the results of the menu command will be displayed. The following options are available:

The output will be displayed in the current tab.

The output will be shown in a new tab (this requires that the “Always show tab” checkbox is ticked). Aware IM will create the tab automatically and the user will be able to close the tab whenever she wants.

The output will be shown in a popup window. The user won’t be able to access elements of the screen outside the window until she closes the window.

The output will be shown in a modeless window. The user will be able to access all other parts of the system outside the window. The window can be resized, repositioned or closed at any time. The user can open as many modeless windows as she likes

This option allows you to direct the output of the menu item into a particular HTML element (usually <DIV>) that can be located anywhere on the screen. The element must have a unique id, for example, <div id=“my_id”></div>. The system will prompt you to enter this id.

The text of the menu item is its name. You can turn its display on or off.

Specify the icon that will be displayed for the menu item (if any).

Specify a condition when the menu item is invisible. If you leave the condition blank, the menu item will always be visible. The condition must operate with the attributes of the currently logged in user, for example:


This menu item will be visible for all users except those whose role has been assigned to “Auditor”.

Only for toolbars. If this option is selected the separator symbol will be displayed after this menu item.

Only for toolbars. If this option is selected all subsequent menu items will be right-aligned

For trees and folder items only. If this option is selected the folder item will be automatically expanded.

Only for toolbars. If items of the toolbar do not fit on the available screen Aware IM will automatically display an “overflow” button and all items that do not fit on the screen will be accessible through this button. Using this option you can prevent certain menu items to be placed on the overflow button (in this case they will always be displayed irrespective of the screen size)

You can customise the appearance of the menu item by assigning a CSS class to it. See the “How to use CSS” section in the How To Guide for more details.

Select this option to display a “badge” for the menu item (available for all types of menus except trees). A badge is a little icon on top of the menu button usually showing a number (for example, a number of unread messages for the current user). This number is constantly refreshed – it can be changed by the rules and the number will then be displayed, When specifying badge properties you have to define an expression for the number (or text) displayed on the badge (usually the value of the attribute that stores this number). You can then specify the background color of the badge as well as the refresh rate and tooltip.

  • Last modified: 2024/02/01 06:27