Defining Content Panel Properties

At least one content panel must be defined for the tab. You can add more content panels by clicking on the icon located at the top of the editor. If there is more than one content panel they will be displayed according to the selection of the “Layout” property (see Defining Layout of Content Panels)

There are many properties of content panels – some of them are specific to the layout selected for the tab. The following properties of a content panel are common to all layouts:

Specify the name of the content panel. Every content panel must have a unique name. This name will be displayed in the caption of the content panel if “Display title” checkbox is ticked (see below).

This is the most important property of the content panel. It defines what the content panel will contain. When you click on the button next to the property the dialog with the following options will be displayed:

Select this option if you want Aware IM to run the specified query and display its results inside the content panel. For example, if you are configuring an application that manages forums you may want to display a list of available forums immediately after the user logs in. This can be done by specifying a query that finds and displays all available forums. If you select this option you must also select the query to run from the list of all configured queries (this radio button is really a shortcut to specify a “Run Query” command using the “Command” radio button – see below).

Select this option if you want Aware IM to run the specified proces and display its results inside the content panel.

Select this radio button if you want Aware IM to display the specified HTML text. Click on the HTML button to enter the HTML text. This is explained in more detail a little later in this section.

Select this radio button if you want to provide custom HTML page to be displayed inside the content panel. If you select this option you must also import the HTML page and any page resources such as images. To import the page, press the Import button. The Directory Selection Dialog will be displayed – specify the name of the directory that must contain a single file with the .html extension and any resources that the page may have. You can also export the existing page into a directory by pressing the Export button and specifying the directory where the existing HTML page and all its resources will be written.


You can use tag expressions that refer to the SystemSettings object or LoggedInRegularUser in the HTML page, for example ‹‹SystemSettings.Logo››.

Select this radio button if you want to display a calendar widget inside the content panel. You will then be able to provide an attribute where the selected date will be stored, as well as specify a command that will run after the date in the calendar is selected (see the description of the Input Control Element in the next section)


It is also possible to embed the calendar widget in a custom HTML that you provide when you select the Display HTML option for the content panel. To do this, define the Calendar widget as described above and press the HTML Code… button. Then copy this HTML and use it inside your custom HTML code. If you then select the embedded code, you can click on the Edit button and edit it using the Calendar dialog

Google Maps can be displayed as part of the business object presentation or form. However, displaying a map as a widget in a content panel is even more flexible and powerful. The properties that can be specified here are similar to defining Google Maps for object forms

You can define a query that will be run to display markers on the map. One of the attributes of the object that the query is searching for must store the address. This address will be marked on the map with a marker. Displaying markers on the map is optional.

You can define a query that will be run to display polygons on the map. One of the attributes of the object that the query is searching for must store definition of the polygon in the KML format.

By clicking on the Other Settings button you can define which controls will be present on the map.

Select this radio button if you want to display a “date range picker” widget that allows users to enter start and end dates of the range at the same time. You will need to specify attributes that will hold both dates, as well as the command that will run when the range is selected (see the description of the Input Control Element in the next section)


It is also possible to embed the Date Range Picker widget in an custom HTML that you provide when you select the Display HTML option for the content panel. To do this, define the Date Range Picker widget as described above and press the HTML Code… button. Then copy this HTML and use it inside your custom HTML code. If you then select the embedded code, you can click on the Edit button and edit it using the Date Range Picker dialog

See this section: Using Tiles in Dashboards

Select this option if you want to add a Bullet Chart to the content panel. An example of this would be in the Sales Portal sample application on the Team Efficiency tab. You have to specify expressions for the current and target values, for example ‹‹LoggedInSystemUser.CurrentValue›› and ‹‹SystemSettings.TargetValue}. You can also specify min. and max. values, colors of the current and target values and color ranges. You can generate an HTML code for the resulting widget and embed this code into a broader HTML. If you select the embedded code and click on the Edit… button you can edit the properties using the Bullet Chart dialog.

Select this option if you want to add a Gauge to the content panel. An example of this would be in the dashboard of the Issue Resolution sample application. You have to specify the expression to calculate the value of the gauge, for example ‹‹LoggedInSystemUser.CurrentValue››, select the type of the gauge and define other properties as required. You can generate an HTML code for the resulting widget and embed this code into a broader HTML. If you select the embedded code and click on the Edit… button you can edit the properties using theGauge dialog.

Select this option if you want Aware IM to run the specified command and display its results inside the content panel. You must click on the button next to the radio button to specify which command to run.

Select this option if you do not want Aware IM to display anything inside the content panel. This option can be useful if you use the content panel as the target for some other content panel.

Specify the width of the content panel in pixels or percent (for some layouts only). If you do not specify the width the content panel will occupy all available width.

Specify the height of the content panel in pixels. If you do not specify the height it will be calculated automatically based on the contents of the panel.

If you have more than one content panel defined for a tab you can designate one content panel to be the target for the other one. This means that if the user clicks on some hyperlink inside one content panel, the results of this click will be displayed in another content panel. For example, you can get one content panel to display the results of a query. If the user clicks on the entry in the query results table the form for the instance of the business object represented by this entry can be shown underneath the query results table. You can also specify other targets for the panel. The following options are available:

The target is the panel itself, i.e. when the user clicks on a hyperlink the results will be displayed in this content panel replacing the current contents.

When the user clicks on a hyperlink the results will be shown in a new tab (this requires that the “Always show tab” checkbox is ticked). Aware IM will create the tab automatically and the user will be able to close the tab whenever she wants.

When the user clicks on a hyperlink the results will be shown inside the main frame replacing the current contents – including any tabs and content panels (they will disappear).

When the user clicks on a hyperlink the results will be shown in a popup window. The user won’t be able to access elements of the screen outside the window until he closes the window.

When the user clicks on a hyperlink the results will be shown in a modeless window. The user will be able to access all other parts of the system outside the window. The window can be resized, repositioned or closed at any time. The user can open as many modeless windows as he likes

When the user clicks on a hyperlink the results will be shown inside the selected content panel replacing its contents.

This option allows you to direct the output of the panel into a particular HTML element (usually <DIV>) that can be located anywhere on the screen. The element must have a unique id, for example, <div id=“my_id”></div>. The system will prompt you to enter this id.

This option is control how the header of the content panel is displayed – there are two choices – Classic and Modern. With the classic style you can define the following options:

Select this option if you want Aware IM to display the title in the caption of the content panel. Normally you will not need to tick this box if you display query results or a form inside the content panel because these already include their own captions.

Tick this checkbox if you want the user to be able to collapse and expand the content panel. This will force the caption to be shown with a little icon in the top right corner to collapse/expand the panel.

Tick this checkbox to display borders around the content panel.

With the Modern style of the header you can specify the text of the header as well as its CSS class and style

Tick this checkbox if you want the panel to be hidden initially. This option is useful if the tab property “User Can Edit Layout” is selected. In this case the end user can show the content panel hidden initially if need be.

This property defines an expression that determines whether the content panel is invisible. For example: LoggedInSystemUser.SomeAttribute='some value' If this property is not specified, the Content Panel is always visible.

You can define outer and inner margins of the content panel.

You can specify that the content panel should be invisible on certain types of devices and visible on others.

If a content panel has HTML content (static HTML or imported HTML) you can define conditions when this information is refreshed. Other types of content do not need this option because they usually include queries or forms that have their own auto-refresh settings. The way you define auto-refresh information for HTML content panels is very much the same as how you define it for queries and forms.

You can further customise the appearance of the content panel by assigning a CSS class to it. See the “How to use CSS” section in the How To Guide for more details.

For users familiar with Javascript you can provide your own script here to override the configuration of the panel that Aware IM generates. See Programmers Reference Guide for more details.

  • Last modified: 2024/01/30 23:42