Setting Properties of Document Attributes

The Document attribute type represents document files. The term “document” here has relatively broad sense. Usually document files are reports in the PDF format or MS Word or MS Excel files, however, essentially any file can be treated as document (see also Document Management). When an attribute of this type is shown on a form of the business object that owns the attribute Aware IM generates the Browse button that allows the user to attach any file as the attribute value.

Most properties you need to specify for attributes of the Document type are common to all attribute types – see Common Properties. The properties specific to the Document type are explained below:

The initial value property for attributes of the Document type are different from the Initial Value property of other attribute types explained in the Common Properties section. You can only initialize the attribute of the Document type with the name of a Document template defined in the business space version (see Adding/Editing Document Templates) or not initialise the attribute at all.

If you initialize the attribute with the name of a document template Aware IM will automatically generate a document from the document template when the business object owning the attribute is created (see Document Generation).

You can specify where the documents will be stored (Database, File System or Amazon S3) – see the explanation for the Stored In property of Picture attributes above.

If specified the value indicates maximum image size that can be stored in this attribute. If the user uploads a larger document, the document will be automatically rejected.

This property specifies file extensions that can be stored in the attribute. If user uploads a document with a different extension it will be rejected.


If you select “Embedded Spreadsheet” from the list of allowed extensions you will be able to edit the document at runtime using the Excel-like spreadsheet interface. For more details about this please read the “How to work with embedded spreadsheets” section in the How To Guide.

This checkbox allows users to edit documents in-place using Zoho editors ( . Zoho provides powerful web-based editors to edit many types of documents – MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, Open Office, RTF, HTML etc. The user edits the document using the browser and when he presses the Save button the modified document is automatically saved in Aware IM. The details are explained in the “How to let users edit documents” section in the How To Guide.

This checkbox allows users to edit Microsoft Office documents in-place using Office Online editors. The user edits the document using the browser and changes are automatically saved in Aware IM. The details are explained in the “How to let users edit documents” section in the How To Guide.

  • Last modified: 2022/09/13 18:15