How to integrate credit card payment system

Many credit card payment systems, such as PayPal, require that your web site communicate with them via a particular URL. Whenever your web site needs to perform credit card payment the users need to click on the link with this URL, which will bring them to the web site of the credit card payment system. As part of the URL that your web site supplies to the credit card payment system you must also specify the URL that the credit card payment web site will use to return to your web site upon successful or un-successful completion of the payment.

If you want to integrate the credit card payment into your Aware IM system you need to configure the following:

  1. Most credit card systems require that you pass certain parameters to the system as part of their URL, for example, PayPal system requires the following parameters (among others) – amount, currency_code, item_name etc. First of all you need to define a business object representing parameters of the payment with the attribute names being exactly equal to the names of the parameters you want to pass to the credit card payment system. For example, we could define PayPalPayment business object with amount, currency_code and item_name attributes.
  2. Define an intelligent business object representing the credit card payment system, for example you can define the business object with the name PayPalSystem – see the “Defining Intelligent Business Objects” section for details.
  3. Define the URL channel as the default channel for this business object – see the “Setting Properties of URL Channel” section. Specify the base URL of the credit card payment system as the “URL of the Service Provider” channel property. Specify the names of the parameters that the credit card payment system uses to identify the URL to return to as channel properties. For example, PayPal system requires that the parameter names for the successful and unsuccessful completion of payment are return and cancel_return respectively. Aware IM will make sure that the values for these parameters are correctly set, so that the credit card system will return to the Aware IM system on successful or un-successful completion of the payment.
  4. Define the payment service of this business object, for example ProcessPayment – see the “Defining Services of Intelligent Business Object” section for details. Specify the business object you created in step 1 as the service input. Select Standard Reply as the service reply.
  5. Define a process that will initialize the instance of the business object representing parameters of the payment (for example, PayPalPayment) request the service using the REQUEST SERVICE action, for example:
    CREATE PayPalPayment WITH PayPalPayment.amount=100, ...
    REQUEST SERVICE ProcessPayment of PayPalSystem USING PayPalPayment 
  6. Define a menu item that will start the above process – see the “Setting Menu Item Properties” section. Alternatively you can set up a form operation or a hyperlink on some presentation to start the process – see the “Adding/Editing Form Operations” and “Hyperlinks”. When the process starts Aware IM will navigate to the web site of the payment system. After the payment has been completed the web site of the credit card payment system will return to the Aware IM system (Aware IM will automatically display whether the payment request has been fulfilled).
  • Last modified: 2022/09/13 18:15