Questions before I try Aware IM

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Questions before I try Aware IM

Post by wvand »


I'm currently developing a large internet application for online medical advise. It seems I can create this application with Aware IM, but some questions I have:

1) Is it possible to generate PDF documentation?
2) The application must include an option to do an online payment (before the medical advice is given), i.e. a paypal option, or a connection to a local bank. What are my options?
3) In the application there's some complex processing of rules. It's actually a repeating sequence until a stable advice (i.e. excluding some medicine-combinations, or replacing overlapping medicines). Is a construction like this possible?
4) What would you advice about licensing? The application will run at an ISP. Since the application is used by companies and individuals, is a concurrent license model the best advice?

In the mean time, I'll try Aware IM !!

Wilfred van Dijk
Posts: 7529
Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:36 am

Post by aware_support »

Hi Wilfred.

> 1) Is it possible to generate PDF documentation?
Yes - all you have to do is design a report using the report designer and Aware IM will automatically generate a PDF document from your report.

> 2) The application must include an option to do an online payment
>(before the medical advice is given), i.e. a paypal option, or a
>connection to a local bank. What are my options?

You can implement payment through PayPal - please check out the Library sample application. It includes PayPal payment processing. The Library Case Study document describes configuration in details.
As far as bank payment is concerned, it depends on what payment interface they support. If they use payment via URL, then configuration will be similar to PayPal; if they use web services then you can use the SOAP channel and discover bank's services.

>3) In the application there's some complex processing of rules. It's
>actually a repeating sequence until a stable advice (i.e. excluding some
>medicine-combinations, or replacing overlapping medicines). Is a
>construction like this possible?

Yes. In Aware IM business logic is handled by a rule engine, which evaluates rules repatedly until a stable state is achieved and there are no more rules to execute. All you need to do is define a consistent set of rules to manage medicines and the rule engine will handle them.

>4) What would you advice about licensing? The application will run at an
>ISP. Since the application is used by companies and individuals, is a
>concurrent license model the best advice?

Our licensing model is based on named user licenses, not concurrent licenses. This means that your clients will not need a license to use Aware IM-powered applications. However, you will need as many licenses as there are users who work with Aware IM within your organization (if there are others besides yourself).
Aware IM Support Team
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2005 9:07 am
Location: The Netherlands

about license

Post by wvand »

The application is used by employees of several companies and indiviuals.
If I have 50 companies and 10 employees for each company do I need to buy 50*10 + 1 (individual) = 501 licenses for my customers? Or is it just 1 license?
Every employee (mostly a paramedic) of a company has to identify himself in order to send the advice to the right employee. So every employee has a login module.
Inidividuals don't have to login, they enter an email address, do an online payment and receive the advice by email.

Wilfred van Dijk
Posts: 595
Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 2:22 am

Post by aware_support2 »


Named user licenses are required for each employee of an organization that purchases and installs Aware IM who configure and/or use applications. In your case it would be one user license for you and one for each person working with/for you (if there are any) who creates and maintains Aware IM applications. According to our licensing rules the companies, for which you are going to provide application services, are considered your clients. Therefore, their employees do not need licenses, nor the individuals who receive advice from the companies.

The bottom line, if you are the only one developing and maintaining an Aware IM application, you would need only one user license.
Aware IM Support Team
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