DISCUSS: Improvements needed to Aware Mobile

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DISCUSS: Improvements needed to Aware Mobile

Post by Jaymer »

I have chatted with Vlad.
He asked in the other thread for us to give ideas/list shortcomings related to Aware's Mobile user experience.
Its kinda been the "consensus" that some things cannot be done in Mobile... and this was hinted to in that other thread. But those "hints" do not precisely describe needed improvements sufficiently for Vlad to address them. They're vague.

Vlad wants to improve Mobile Aware (or Aware on non-desktops). But help & clarification is needed.
Vlad would LOVE for Aware to be the goto platform for Mobile development... and I would too.
Recently, when testing other tools, OMG, the amount of code and stuff to do is CRAZY WHEN COMPARED TO having to do almost none of that in Aware.
But again, facts are lacking out there about exactly what Can and Cannot be done with Aware mobile.
A chat with Himanshu today revealed that you DO NOT need Cordova to access a barcode scanner on a phone... one of the prior reasons for "Having to go Native" in Aware because WebMobile couldn't access the camera for scanning.

(BTW, when we say native, we really mean Hybrid. We know its not a true Native app.)

And I think another post would help to clarify what Mobile really is in Aware... and what a "Native" build is for. Even Henrik recently said he hadn't done anything with Native... and there's not really much difference anyway, unless you need these extra cordova addons. But lets put that in a different post.

So, for those of you interested in Mobile, this is for you.
And for those of you who have Aware mobile experiences, and can point out things to improve, have at it.

The best is yet to come! :)
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Re: DISCUSS: Improvements needed to Aware Mobile

Post by hpl123 »

As I stated in another post, I haven´t used native so can´t give much concrete feedback on that unfortunately.

The one thing I would like to state again here is, I think PWA is looking good and promising (see comments, overview and links in the adobe phonegap future post) so I would request support take a look at that and evaluate if it might be an viable option (either as a full native replacement if all things including PWA to native can be done OR as an addition to existing functionality).
Vlad would LOVE for Aware to be the goto platform for Mobile development... and I would too.
Me too.
Last edited by hpl123 on Wed Mar 04, 2020 2:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
Henrik (V8 Developer Ed. - Windows)
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Re: DISCUSS: Improvements needed to Aware Mobile

Post by Jaymer »

hpl123 wrote:As I stated in another post, I haven´t used native so can´t give much concrete feedback on that unfortunately.
Henrik, with the exception of tighter integration with the hardware (ie. the phone), a "Native" App functions exactly the same as a Mobile app - if that makes sense (which I doubt it does).

If you purchase Aware's Mobile Addon, then when your mobile device connects, it can switch to a Mobile VP. In that VP (its a good idea to use the CRM app as an example) you make a Menu which executes a grid, and has row operations, etc. Open a Form, run a process. All is the same. Except there's some additional checkboxes here and there to enable some "mobile" styling. And these grids would usually be Custom Queries, because you can use css (which you're great at) to make cutesy grid rows.

When you "Build Native Mobile Application" and run it on the phone, it looks and runs and feels exactly like the Mobile VP. Because it is. You're running the exact same forms, menus, processes served TO the "Native" app via Aware's internal XML. The entirety of your Desktop app was not compiled in some form and transferred to the phone. Only the JS/CSS/images used by your app (and some more things) were put into the Phonegap.zip file that was created when you clicked "Build Native Mobile Application". Not the Forms, grids, processes. etc.
In fact, when you want to modify your app (after you have Built Native and loaded it on a phone) you don't even need to re-Build and re-load onto the phone... because its still connecting to Aware to get the current screen, process Rules, etc. (If you modify CSS or JS files, you'd need to re-Build/re-load).

An easy thing to do is to select "Build Native Mobile Application" from the menu, and open the .zip file that gets created. You'll see what IS and ISNT in there.

OK, so maybe you did know that - and hopefully it helps someone else who didn't.

I'd certainly help you through the steps of actually doing a "Build Native Mobile Application" and getting it all the way to Android... but unless you get more involved and utilize Cordova plugins, you're not gaining anything (well, not much - if anyone disagrees, please chime in) over just running a Mobile VP.
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Re: DISCUSS: Improvements needed to Aware Mobile

Post by hpl123 »

Jaymer wrote:
hpl123 wrote:As I stated in another post, I haven´t used native so can´t give much concrete feedback on that unfortunately.
Henrik, with the exception of tighter integration with the hardware (ie. the phone), a "Native" App functions exactly the same as a Mobile app - if that makes sense (which I doubt it does).

If you purchase Aware's Mobile Addon, then when your mobile device connects, it can switch to a Mobile VP. In that VP (its a good idea to use the CRM app as an example) you make a Menu which executes a grid, and has row operations, etc. Open a Form, run a process. All is the same. Except there's some additional checkboxes here and there to enable some "mobile" styling. And these grids would usually be Custom Queries, because you can use css (which you're great at) to make cutesy grid rows.

When you "Build Native Mobile Application" and run it on the phone, it looks and runs and feels exactly like the Mobile VP. Because it is. You're running the exact same forms, menus, processes served TO the "Native" app via Aware's internal XML. The entirety of your Desktop app was not compiled in some form and transferred to the phone. Only the JS/CSS/images used by your app (and some more things) were put into the Phonegap.zip file that was created when you clicked "Build Native Mobile Application". Not the Forms, grids, processes. etc.
In fact, when you want to modify your app (after you have Built Native and loaded it on a phone) you don't even need to re-Build and re-load onto the phone... because its still connecting to Aware to get the current screen, process Rules, etc. (If you modify CSS or JS files, you'd need to re-Build/re-load).

An easy thing to do is to select "Build Native Mobile Application" from the menu, and open the .zip file that gets created. You'll see what IS and ISNT in there.

OK, so maybe you did know that - and hopefully it helps someone else who didn't.

I'd certainly help you through the steps of actually doing a "Build Native Mobile Application" and getting it all the way to Android... but unless you get more involved and utilize Cordova plugins, you're not gaining anything (well, not much - if anyone disagrees, please chime in) over just running a Mobile VP.
Yeah, I know how it works and am already using mobile webapps via the browser quite extensively. What I haven't done is the build native parts. What I want from native really is to be able to compile Android/IOS apps (or better yet PWA with ability to also deploy PWA to appstores) and deploy them to appstores i.e use native or PWA/native as a customisable "frame" where we in a simple GUI/config tool way can customise the things related to the app/frame i.e theme, icons, splashscreen, credentials, warnings offline + native features and then ideally deploy with the click of a button (not likely we can get deployment that simple but is the ideal). I personally don't care about additional native features, offline etc.. I just want a easy "frame" generator/deployment solution and again ideally PWA/PWA+native.
Last edited by hpl123 on Wed Mar 04, 2020 3:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
Henrik (V8 Developer Ed. - Windows)
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Re: DISCUSS: Improvements needed to Aware Mobile

Post by hpl123 »

It would be very interesting to hear from developers that have actually done a native app and also if possible see a couple of screenshots of the app, of things not working/ideal etc..
Henrik (V8 Developer Ed. - Windows)
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Re: DISCUSS: Improvements needed to Aware Mobile

Post by aware_support »

Just to be clear what this thread is about. There's a lot of talk of mobile/native being deficient but very little specifics, just general statements.

We really would like to understand what these deficiencies are and for that we need details - screenshots, detailed description, video etc. Something that makes it possible for us to understand - yes, if the user wants to implement this feature, there is currently no way for him to do it in Aware IM.
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Re: DISCUSS: Improvements needed to Aware Mobile

Post by ACDC »

A Mobile app MUST have some offline functionality. The current Offline capability of AwareIM is very limited and in my mind not a workable solution.

I want to create a simple object in my Mobile App that lets me Create or Edit offline by default. No special procedure the user must follow to go offline. It must be transparent and happen in the background automatically. I don’t expect all the objects to be offline but at least some exclusive ones

So when configuring the mobile app, the particular “offline object” is setup as an “Offline Orientated Object”, which means when there is a new connection, a download(sync) of the last 10 records of the offline object happens automatically (the paramaters and conditions of how this happens is controlled by a process configured by the developer.)

When the mobile user creates a new object the contents are stored in the offline table by default, if there is connectivity then the update to the server happens in the background.

So at all times I have full functionality of capturing data into the mobile app whether there is connectivity or not. Also because I am capturing to an offline table by default, if I lose connectivity while I am doing the capture I don’t lose strategic data.

With regards to editing existing objects and potential clash with the most recent server version, this could also be handled automatically on the server by way of the objects Off-line definition. Intelligent handling and notification to user or admin for intervention needed.

There is a huge need for offline forms such as, questionnaires, service reports, Customer acknowledgements, proof of deliveries, medical test result capture, Inspection Reports etc. The list goes on and on. Right now this is not possible with AwareIM

Being able to develop an application in AwareIM that serves offline form capture is a huge, There is a whole industry out there that focusses on just that. It’s also a market segment that AwareIM could be tapping into promoting AWARENESS which is most definitely needed
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Re: DISCUSS: Improvements needed to Aware Mobile

Post by aware_support »

Please do not include offline mode into the discussion of this thread. We know about offline mode and its limitations. This thread is purely about mobile and native.
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Re: DISCUSS: Improvements needed to Aware Mobile

Post by ACDC »

Wed Mar 04, 2020 10:44 am
Please do not include offline mode into the discussion of this thread. We know about offline mode and its limitations. This thread is purely about mobile and native.
Seriously! , :shock: offline is very much about mobile, at least you can provide some kind of indication as to its future within the context of mobile rather than just shut its discussion down.
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Re: DISCUSS: Improvements needed to Aware Mobile

Post by yahya »

Herewith some info that I hope will be useful, planning on submitting 2 apps this week and will give you further feedback.

1. Firstly, once you have built your mobile app with AwareIM one needs to unzip and edit the config file, as the one created is not compliant with PhoneGap, have attached the config.xml file for you to see how I have had to edit.

2. Here is some feedback from Apple when I first submitted my app to the Apple App Store.
Missing App Store Icon - iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px App Store Icon in PNG format. Without providing the icon in the Asset Catalog or via App Store Connect, apps cannot be submitted for App Review or Beta App Review. Refer to https://developer.apple.com/ios/human-i ... /app-icon/ for more information.

Missing Purpose String in Info.plist File - Your app's code references one or more APIs that access sensitive user data. The app's Info.plist file should contain a NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription key with a user-facing purpose string explaining clearly and completely why your app needs the data. Starting Spring 2019, all apps submitted to the App Store that access user data will be required to include a purpose string. If you're using external libraries or SDKs, they may reference APIs that require a purpose string. While your app might not use these APIs, a purpose string is still required. You can contact the developer of the library or SDK and request they release a version of their code that doesn't contain the APIs. Learn more (https://developer.apple.com/documentati ... _s_privacy).

Missing Purpose String in Info.plist File - Your app's code references one or more APIs that access sensitive user data. The app's Info.plist file should contain a NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key with a user-facing purpose string explaining clearly and completely why your app needs the data. Starting Spring 2019, all apps submitted to the App Store that access user data will be required to include a purpose string. If you're using external libraries or SDKs, they may reference APIs that require a purpose string. While your app might not use these APIs, a purpose string is still required. You can contact the developer of the library or SDK and request they release a version of their code that doesn't contain the APIs. Learn more (https://developer.apple.com/documentati ... _s_privacy).
Config for the Mobile Phone Build
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Re: DISCUSS: Improvements needed to Aware Mobile

Post by yahya »

Would be nice to implement some of these new features of the Keno Nova theme more easily inside AwareIM.

https://www.telerik.com/blogs/introduci ... -framework

e.g.) To activate, add the km-vertical-tabstrip class to the TabStrip placed in a Drawer.
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Re: DISCUSS: Improvements needed to Aware Mobile

Post by customaware »

That can be done already.

Place a button in your toolbar with just an icon ( fas fa-bars ) and set the Command to be Slide in Left Frame
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Re: DISCUSS: Improvements needed to Aware Mobile

Post by yahya »

eagles9999 wrote:That can be done already.

Place a button in your toolbar with just an icon ( fas fa-bars ) and set the Command to be Slide in Left Frame
Yes one can use icons in the toolbar and menu, but this specifically is for in the menu, take note of the look and feel.
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Re: DISCUSS: Improvements needed to Aware Mobile

Post by yahya »

In terms of trying add constructive input, the whole AwareIM Development cycle is extremely easy and quick to implement a new application. What I have noticed in my use of building spaces is configuring processes, queries, forms etc. is extremely easy to do. The most time consuming comes into the look and feel of the app, the automatic forms and queries are not built around the mobile interface, which means a person has to build custom html forms and query results.
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Re: DISCUSS: Improvements needed to Aware Mobile

Post by yahya »

Something I have noticed when use AwareIM Mobile, you cannot run more than one query on the screen.

So in your main screen you have created two panels, each one for a different query. On the desktop this works great, but as soon as you try bring it to Mobile, both panels do not run their specified queries resulting in a blank screen.
AwareIM Developer edition. Version 8.5 (Build 2827) running on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
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