save form operation replaces active tab in VP if popup

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save form operation replaces active tab in VP if popup

Post by ddumas »

I have a menu operation (Edit My Profile) in the top bar of my VP. I execute a process that does a popup form edit. Popup forms when saved are supposed to disappear, and just close, and not disturb anything else. Normally they do. However, in this case, when save is clicked (save panel operation of the popup form), the form then replaces the active content tab in the main portion of the visual perspective. However, when you set the save operation's property to close the form after save (which the user should at least have the option to do, and not be forced to ), the form saves, and closes and does not replace the active content tab in the main portion of the visual perspective. I have attached the workaround, which is to check the checkbox, which I do not want to have to do.
VPTopBar.PNG (6.49 KiB) Viewed 11927 times
CloseAfterSave.PNG (43.39 KiB) Viewed 11930 times
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