public DataObject getMessageValues (IchannelTypeCallback callback) 

This method is called when a notification is sent to an intelligent business object. The method is supposed to return the values that are specific to the communication with this particular instance of the object – for example, an e-mail address of this instance. The method can use a callback interface to get the instance of the object and the instance of the SystemSettings object, like so:

IEntity intelligentEntity = callback.getEntity ();
IEntity systemSettings = callback.getSystemSettings ();

The method is supposed to return the data object containing specific values, or null if none are required. As an example, take a look at what the e-mail channel does:

public DataObjectgetMessageValues(IChannelTypeCallbackcallback)
    if (entity==null)
        return null;
        SDOTypedobType=new SDOType("EmailChannelEmailValues");
        DataObjectdob= new SimpleDataObject(dobType);
        return dob;
    catch (Exceptione)
        System.err.println("Unable to read e-mail address in object "+entity.getName());
    return null;
  • Last modified: 2023/05/03 04:32