public Object execute (IExecutionEngine engine, Object[]parameters)
throws SuspendProcessException, ExecutionException, AccessDeniedException;

This is the main method of the interface that is called when the process is started.


engine call back interface that allows the process to call services of Aware IM. See IExecutionEngine interface.
parameters array of the process parameters. This array is null if process doesn’t have any input declared in the configuration. Otherwise the array has as many members as there are input business objects in the declaration of the process. Each member of the array is an instance of IEntity interface.


Should always return null.


SuspendProcessException if one of the methods of the IExecutionEngine threw SuspendProcessException or if the process wants to commit the current transaction.
ExecutionException if something is wrong
AccessDeniedException should not be thrown by the process component directly
  • Last modified: 2023/05/08 06:52