Login is a process of a user entering a business space that takes place in both configuration mode and operation mode. In the configuration mode the configurator enters a password and logs into a business space when Configuration Tool starts up. In the operation mode there are two categories of users: registered users and guests. An authorised person, usually the administrator of the system, can register users. Alternatively users can self-register if the business space allows them to. Either way, on registration all users are assigned a login name, a password and an access level. To login the registered users must enter their login name and password.

The configurator may allow guest users to enter the business space without having to login. Such users are assigned with special 'Guest' access level, which is usually configured to grant very limited access privileges. This is useful when the business space should allow visitors to access some common information, such as the home page of a web site.

  • Last modified: 2023/05/09 01:54