"Register new member" operation

Users will invoke this operation from the system menu. The system menu will have the “New” item for creation of different entities of our system. The “Library member” sub-item of the “New” item will create a new member.

The operation should create a new instance of the Member business object. So we need to define the operation in the system menu and instruct the system to create a new instance of the Member object.

In the Configuration Tool the system menu is defined in the visual perspective. The system automatically creates the default visual perspective for administrators called “Administrator”. Let us open this perspective for editing. To do this expand the “Visual Perspectives” node in the Elements Tree and double click on the “Administrator” node. The editor of visual perspectives will appear in the working area of the screen. Expand the “Top Bar” entry in the list of “Frames”. The entry will have one child called “Menu”. Expand this entry to see all the menu items of the menu. Now click on the entry called “Menu” and then click on the icon to add a new menu item. In the popup dialog that appears enter the name of the menu item “New” and leave the type of the item to be “Folder”. Now click on the node of the newly created item in the menu pane and click on the icon again. Specify the name of the new item - “Library member”. Click on the Details link next to “Command to execute” and then select the “Create Object” as the command type. Select “Member” from the list of business objects and click OK for the Command Settings dialog and OK for the New Menu Item dialog.

Click on the “Save” button in the toolbar or select File/Save in the menu to save the changes.

This is literally all we have to do to enable this operation in our application. Aware IM will take care of all other issues – it will automatically generate and display the form for the user to enter the details of the new member once she selects this operation from the menu. Once the user submits the new details it will invoke the rules of the Member object that we have defined at the previous step to validate the object and calculate the values of calculated attributes and it will save all the details in the database.

  • Last modified: 2022/09/13 18:15