Adding custom processes

The following section describes how to write extensions implementing custom processes and plug them into Aware IM.

To implement custom processes and add them to the configuration of your application follow the steps below:

  1. Write the code for the process, compile it and add it to the jar file with your custom extensions. Make sure that the jar file is placed in the AwareIM/CustomJars directory (see section 2)
  2. Add the process to your application configuration using the Configuration Tool (see Adding/Editing Processes section). When adding the process click on the “Implementation” property in the list of process properties and select the “Process is implemented by custom component” radio button. Then specify the fully qualified name of the class that implements the component, for example com.myextensions.MyProcessExtension

The rest of the section describes how to write the code implementing the custom process (step 1 above).

  • Last modified: 2023/04/06 01:06