How to display forms

You can just use regular forms for business objects. Some of the features of business object forms that you may find useful on mobile devices are listed below:

  1. Specify label with as percentage rather than absolute value
  2. Display Yes/No attributes as “on/off switches”
  3. Use native browser controls for dates and times – some mobile browsers have very rich and good looking mobile-specific in-built controls for entering dates and timestamps. You can use them in your forms instead of the more desktop oriented Aware IM in-built controls.
  4. Mobile style tabs – if the form has several form sections the tabs are displayed. You can select the “mobile style tabs” option to display tabs using mobile-friendly style – with larger font and top icon alignment. The option is available in the Navigation dialog of the Form Editor
  5. Mobile style of the form caption – most of the time you won’t display the default panel header for your mobile forms, because it uses too much real estate. You will either display no header at all or you will display a caption of the form in the middle of the screen. Selecting the “mobile style header” option in the Panel Header dialog will achieve that
  • Last modified: 2023/05/09 02:03