Build 1895

  1. Disallowing process cancel didn't work for processes that handled forgotten password
  2. Empty values for text in HTML format with the background color were not displayed properly
  3. Days of the week were not handled properly in scheduling rules
  4. Shading non-working hours checkbox in the scheduler was not saved
  5. Shading of non working hours in scheduler didn't work properly if less than 1 hour time interval was used
  6. Drag and drop in grids with inline editing used to create unnecessary new rows
  7. Drag and drop in grids always inserts before the drop node
  8. INCREASE, REDUCE actions didn't work properly for multiple objects
  9. Operation width was not preserved after an operation was edited
  10. Item rules didn't work on object's calendar
  11. “Other” calendar options were not available for object's calendar
  1. Support for “initially collapsed” for checkbox list references
  • Last modified: 2022/09/13 18:15