This action causes the system to stop executing rules and issue the specified error message to the original requestor.

REPORT ERROR ArithmeticOperation()

where the Arithmetic Operation must be the operation producing a string (usually just a string literal).

REPORT ERROR 'Value of the attribute is not defined' 


The action stops execution of any rules caused by the initial request to the system(unless there are process failure rules defined – see further notes). If the request was issued by the user the specified error message is displayed on the user’s screen. If the request did not originate from the user interface (for example, the request originated from a scheduled process) the error message is written into the log and the current process is terminated.


The request that eventually caused the REPORT ERROR action could have changed a number of objects and attributes prior to the execution of the REPORT ERROR action. All changes to business objects and their attributes prior to the REPORT ERROR action within the context of the request are discarded when the REPORT ERROR action is triggered). See also the “Rules and Transactions” section.


If evaluation of rules that caused execution of the REPORT ERROR action was initially triggered by a process and this process had failure rules attached to it, the changes to the business objects and their attributes prior to the REPORT ERROR action are not discarded. Instead process failure rules are evaluated and the execution of the process continues – see also the “Process Failure Rules” section.
  • Last modified: 2023/05/09 01:45