This action allows execution of a database stored procedure.

EXEC_SP SPName [ OF DatabaseEnvironment ] [ WITH ParamName = ArithmeticExpression ()[ INOUT)|OUT ] ( , ParamName = ArithmeticExpression () [ INOUT ) | OUT ] )* ] [ RETURN ObjectName ]


  • SPName is the name of the stored procedure to execute (must be enclosed in apostrophe)
  • DatabaseEnvironment if present indicates the name of the database environment where the stored procedure is defined (see objects persisted in external databases). If not present the native Aware IM database is used.
  • ParamName is the name of the parameter of the stored procedure (if stored procedure requires a parameter. A parameter can be IN, OUT or INOUT. If parameter type is omitted IN is assumed
  • ArithmeticExpression an Aware IM expression to initialize input parameters with. If the parameter is of OUT or INOUT type this expression must be the name of an attribute of a business object
  • ObjectName if the stored procedure returns a result set (the result of the SQL SELECT statement) Aware IM can convert each record to the instance of the specified object. An object that is persisted in the database table of the SELECT statement must be defined. The resulting object instances are either placed in the Context if the EXEC_SP action is used in rules or returned by a query if the action is used in a rule form of the query
EXEC_SP 'procAlertGetAll' RETURN Alert 

This stored procedure does not require any parameters. It selects all alert records in the native database, that Aware IM will automatically convert to instances of the Alert object and put in the context or make available for a query

EXEC_SP 'procAlertGet' WITH '@alerID'=1 RETURN Alert 

This stored procedure returns alert record with id=1

EXEC_SP 'procAlertGet' WITH '@alerID'=SPParam.AlertId RETURN Alert 

This stored procedure returns alert record with id taken from the AlertId attribute of the SPParam object

EXEC_SP 'procAlertGetOut' WITH '@alerID'=SPParam.AlertId,'@alertName'=SPParam.AlertName OUT  

This stored procedure returns alert record with id taken from the AlertId attribute of the SPParam object. The name of the alert is then written into the AlertName attribute.

EXEC_SP 'proc1' OF SQLServer WITH '@param1'=1,'@param2'=2 RETURN SomeObject 

This stored procedure returns the specified records from an external database identified by the name SQLServer.

  • Last modified: 2023/05/09 01:36