PayPal Session Timeout issue

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PayPal Session Timeout issue

Post by rocketman »

I currently have an issue with my PayPal implementation whereby there seems to be a session timeout set which is too short. I can get to the PayPal check in, cancel and return to the seller, I can even complete a payment IF I am VERY quick, however with PayPal's two factor authentication now in place, If there is even the shortest delay in receiving the code via txt, then by the time I have typed in the code, completed the payment and press "return to seller" I get a "Session timeout" message, which results in the transaction not being applied to the purchaser's account.

Is there any way of increasing this timeout. (the AWAREIM and Tomcat timeouts are 30 minutes)

V8.7 Developer Edition. Server 2016 Standard edition. MySql 5.5
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Re: PayPal Session Timeout issue

Post by rocketman »

On the other hand, the session timeout (I'm assuming this is something to do with PayPal) might be too long. Further testing it only happens when a) I cancel and return to seller followed by an immediate attempt to pay again, or B) make a payment and immediately try to make another payment. The message does not reappear if I leave a gap of 10 minutes between attempts.

V8.7 Developer Edition. Server 2016 Standard edition. MySql 5.5
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