Difference between logonAdmin and logonOp.aw

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Difference between logonAdmin and logonOp.aw

Post by nhofkes »

There are several login options, and I tried to use a few of them:
Interactive full login: [domain]/AwareIM/logonAdmin.html
paramerised login: [domain]/AwareIM/logonOp.aw?domain=EP

The logonOp.aw takes much longer than the logonAdmin.html version. This is both for login and for logout. I am curious why that is.

I looked at the Tomcat output when logging in and found that going to the logonOp.aw url resulted in a "login request (post) called for domain EP" before the login page is displayed. Apparently, processing this login request takes several seconds before anything (visible) happens. When selecting the logonAdmin.html url, there is no output in the Tomcat console - the login page is displayed immediately and after completing the username and password, the application is started relatively quickly.

The same for logout: when the application is started through logonAdmin.html, logout is almost immediate (as it should be). But when the application is started through logonOp.aw, according to the Tomcat output the last step of the process is again a "login request (post) called for domain EP" and again this takes several seconds. So it seems that the delay is caused by the same issue both on login and on logout.

When I supplement the parameterised login with username and password ([domain]/AwareIM/logonOp.aw?domain=EP&userName=admin&password=password), the login is going just fine, there is no delay. But again the logout is really slow, for the same reason as before.

Am I doing something wrong? What is the best practice to get users logged in? (and logged out without any delay).

PS: I should perhaps clarify that I am not (yet) using any custom login pages, just using the standard AIM stuff.
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Re: Difference between logonAdmin and logonOp.aw

Post by BLOMASKY »

I am not seeing the slow down that you are. I use logonOp.aw and it takes about 1-2 seconds for the screen to log me on and display the default page (which has a few queries that are run. I know painting the screen can take some time.). Since I am not seeing the delay, wonder how much memory you have allocated to Tomcat and Aware. Is it possible that this is a memory fetch issue?

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Re: Difference between logonAdmin and logonOp.aw

Post by nhofkes »

No, I don’t think so. The delay is not in the time between entering the login details and the application being up and running. It is about displaying the login screen itself. In other words, there is no difference in delay after entering the login details. Same for using parameterized login using username and password (in addition to domain). So, there is only a delay when using logonOp.aw without username and password - it simply takes a long time before the login screen is actually displayed.
(V9.0 build 3241 - MariaDB - Windows)
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