AWS type vertical scaling indefinitely?

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AWS type vertical scaling indefinitely?

Post by hpl123 »

Hi all,
I am working on a infrastructure scaling plan and looking at vertical scaling i.e have a server instance that grows (RAM, CPU etc.) as load increases (in contrast to horizontal scaling where you add more servers when load increases) and wonder how well this scales, does anyone use it or know?

If a server instance can grow from 1GB RAM / 1 CPU core to 24TB / 128 CPU cores (AWS example), that means the server is very powerful and should be able to handle a whole lot, can Aware scale up with that or does Aware on 1 server only work up to a point? Also related, are there any limitations on how high the memory can be set for Aware and the tomcat + java processes?
Henrik (V8 Developer Ed. - Windows)
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Re: AWS type vertical scaling indefinitely?

Post by hpl123 »

Spoke to Vlad. I can confirm vertical scaling is possible with Aware and no real limitations on how high memory etc. can be set. Of course, vertical scaling is not applicable in many cases where a more complex infrastructure is needed and in those cases, horizontal scaling is recommended. I will use both.
Henrik (V8 Developer Ed. - Windows)
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