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Joined: Tue Jul 28, 2020 2:57 am
Location: Brisbane AUS


Post by MarkP »

Hi everyone,

I am running a process to download multiple report documents based on user selections. To do this I am using the DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT Action. This is working perfectly as per the image below:
DocumentOutput.jpg (19.51 KiB) Viewed 12567 times
The problem is that for every document downloaded, Aware pops up a message box asking the user to press OK to continue which is really annoying.
DownloadDocumentMessage.jpg (16.1 KiB) Viewed 12567 times
Does anyone know how to get rid of this message popping up each time? I thought it may have been linked to the "DELETE AFTER xx" parameter option but either removing it completely or varying the number of seconds before server deletion makes no difference.

I also tried using DISPLAY DOCUMENT IN WINDOW but it seems Aware only allows 1 window to be used so in the example above, I only end up with the Invoice being displayed in the new tab window and lose the other 2.

Posts: 80
Joined: Fri Aug 27, 2021 1:24 am

Re: Removing DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT Message

Post by gernotlg »

Did you ever find a solution to the below... aside from what I'm probably going to have to do, which is put them in a zip file and then download that...

But I'm also wondering if there is a way to change this message ? It doesn't even ask the user if they want to download... It asks if they want to continue ?
MarkP wrote: Mon Jul 05, 2021 11:11 pm ...
The problem is that for every document downloaded, Aware pops up a message box asking the user to press OK to continue which is really annoying.
DownloadDocumentMessage.jpg (16.1 KiB) Viewed 10246 times
Does anyone know how to get rid of this message popping up each time? .....
V8.8 / Windows / MySQL
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