Problems when uploading pdf with too many pages(?)

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Problems when uploading pdf with too many pages(?)

Post by joben »

I have a document attribute without size limitations.
I noticed a problem when uploading PDF files that contains many pages:
Skärmbild 2021-05-25 180341.png
Skärmbild 2021-05-25 180341.png (2.58 KiB) Viewed 30069 times
"Internal error, Java heap space"

You can try it yourself with this document as an example:

308 pages, around 18 MB.

Have had similar errors with these bigger PDF files, like: "unknown server error".

In this scenario, we don't do any magic with the document once it's uploaded. So I'm pretty sure either the file size, page size or some weird meta data in the PDF makes Aware IM go nuts. Any ideas?

Version 8.4 Build 2713.
Regards, Joakim

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Re: Problems when uploading pdf with too many pages(?)

Post by intra »

How much memory do you have allocated to the AIM server and Tomcat?
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Re: Problems when uploading pdf with too many pages(?)

Post by joben »

The server itself has 8 GB RAM. We could increase this easily if necessary.

About Tomcat, I don't know.
I can't see anything in the server.xml file.
Regards, Joakim

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Re: Problems when uploading pdf with too many pages(?)

Post by intra »

try startupoptions.props.
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Re: Problems when uploading pdf with too many pages(?)

Post by joben »


We havn't touched this file so the values should be default:

Code: Select all

#Thu Jun 27 15:39:42 CEST 2019
CONFIG_TOOL_STARTUP=..\\JDK\\bin\\java -classpath ../JDK/lib/tools.jar;../docs/help.jar;../lib/* com.bas.uiconfiguration.Application
AWAREIM_SERVER_STARTUP=..\\JDK\\bin\\java -Xmx192m -Xms20m -classpath ../lib/*;../CustomJars/* com.bas.newcp.ServerStarterECP
TOMCAT_STARTUP=..\\JDK\\bin\\java -Xmx64m -Djava.endorsed.dirs\=../Tomcat/endorsed -classpath ../lib/tools.jar;../Tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar;../Tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar -Dcatalina.base\=../Tomcat -Dcatalina.home\=../Tomcat\=../Tomcat/temp org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start
Will try tampering with the values later today and report back :D
Regards, Joakim

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Re: Problems when uploading pdf with too many pages(?)

Post by intra »

Gee, performance must be terrible!

I would at least do this.

AWAREIM_SERVER_STARTUP=..\\JDK\\bin\\java -Xmx4096m -Xms4096m -classpath ../lib/*;../CustomJars/* com.bas.newcp.ServerStarterECP
TOMCAT_STARTUP=..\\JDK\\bin\\java -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m -Djava.endorsed.dirs\=../Tomcat/endorsed -classpath ../lib/tools.jar;../Tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar;../Tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar -Dcatalina.base\=../Tomcat -Dcatalina.home\=../Tomcat\=../Tomcat/temp org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

The memory settings can actually be setup from the control panel, so have a look in there if your GUI based.
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Re: Problems when uploading pdf with too many pages(?)

Post by joben »

AwareIM is installed as a service.

I did changes to startupoptions.props and restarted the AwareIM and Tomcat service.
I don't think this had any effect at all.
The PDF errors persist, and a quick benchmark of some queries shows that the performance is the same.

Is it possible to see the Tomcat running config?
Regards, Joakim

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Re: Problems when uploading pdf with too many pages(?)

Post by BobK »

when running AwareIM as a service...
aware_support wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 2:15 am In two files, which are identical - only one is used, but I do not remember which one, so make the change in both.

The files are wrapper.conf and awareim.conf in the BIN directory.

This is the property in these files that sets memory:
I believe the file that needs changing is awareim.conf
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Re: Problems when uploading pdf with too many pages(?)

Post by kklosson »

Yes, I allocate as follows in both wrapper.conf files.

# Initial Java Heap Size (in MB)

# Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)

Note that these files (or one of them) are only read when running as a service as they provide params for the Tanutki Wrapper, which supports running as a service. But I had a long-running issue of large files uploading and crashing the heap. I eventually set the file size limit to 5MB, which works for my purposes. There must be a way to upload much larger files. If you figure it out, please share.
PDFtk Toolkit
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