Trying to learn the new Custom Query builder in 8.6

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Trying to learn the new Custom Query builder in 8.6

Post by Jaymer »

Yes, I watched the video.
But there's still things to learn, esp. when you first set out to lay some fields on the form.

For example:
YOU ENTER THIS in the "body" field in the Builder:
<b>{FarmName}</b><br>Lot: {SeedLot}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Var: {Variety}
And its gets changed to this:

... which is particularly frustrating when you took time to enter your first string of {field names} and other formatting, and then WHAMMO!
We don't really know the rules to this thing yet.
Turns out that it has to have a paragraph tag around it, like this:
<p><b>{FarmName}</b><br>Lot: {SeedLot}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Var: {Variety}</p>

Don't know why though.

Another thing is that if you're doing this for Mobile, then you get the opposite of Mobile, IMHO.
All these cool new low-code mobile builders make screens that "look like" a real mobile app... like this:
IMG_0314.png (93.47 KiB) Viewed 2017 times
You tap on a record and it zaps over to the detail screen.

With this Mobile tool, I get "almost-mobile" screens and I still have to set a physical pixel width... which doesn't work for diff. phones.
mobile screens.png
mobile screens.png (102.38 KiB) Viewed 2017 times
use the wrong phone and then you can't see the Hamburger Menu (which I turned OFF by the way because I have a default Row Action set to Edit - YET it still shows up). If you can't see the Menu, then even tapping a row doesn't do anything.

And, btw, I don't want a stupid hamburger menu. I wonder how much work I'd have to do just to get a mobile screen like "Previous Cooks" above? It should be available out of the box.

And while some people may want custom queries on the desktop, PEOPLE (ie. Users who pay the $$$) WANT A MOBILE TOOL - Need to make mobile apps that look nice and work as expected.

If I use the NEW Builder tool for "Row Operations", then it doesn't use a Hamburger Menu (on the right where I want a ">" symbol), instead it puts text links underneath the card or a big button. No Classes, Icons, styling available in this initial version. I put 3 buttons here as examples of what it can do, but I don't really want a button - just a ">" on the right to go to a details screen.
Screen Shot 2021-05-03 at 6.31.03 PM.png
Screen Shot 2021-05-03 at 6.31.03 PM.png (34.37 KiB) Viewed 2017 times
If I DO NOT use this for "Row Operations", then I get the older Hamburger Menu.

I dunno, learning this is a whole project in itself. The video shows some simple operations, but there's a lot more mystery that will only be revealed with lots of trial and error Agony.
I'm sure it will get better over the next few versions, but in 8.6 its not a great help yet.
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Re: Trying to learn the new Custom Query builder in 8.6

Post by aware_support »

It would be more helpful if you report this properly as bugs to [email protected] and attach the corresponding BSV's. Please try to stay concise and only report a problem and how to reproduce it and nothing else.

As it is we don't know what to do with this.

Thank you.
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Re: Trying to learn the new Custom Query builder in 8.6

Post by Jaymer »

Yes, thanks Vlad.
I was only writing this for others... not necc. to report bugs.
Since no one has replied, I guess not many have started trying to use this.

I'll use the CRM to make some custom queries to show these issues.

Click Here to see a collection of my tips & hacks on this forum. Or search for "JaymerTip" in the search bar at the top.

Aware Programming & Consulting - Tampa FL
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Re: Trying to learn the new Custom Query builder in 8.6

Post by aware_support »

Code: Select all

YOU ENTER THIS in the "body" field in the Builder:
<b>{FarmName}</b><br>Lot: {SeedLot}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Var: {Variety}
And its gets changed to this:
You need to wrap your HTML in a <p>, <span> or <div> tag. The next build will have a warning about that.

Code: Select all

With this Mobile tool, I get "almost-mobile" screens and I still have to set a physical pixel width... which doesn't work for diff. phones.
All you have to do is specify 100% as the width of the template or change this manually in the generated HTML (the very first line):
<div class="k-card" style="width: 100%;">

Code: Select all

...then you can't see the Hamburger Menu (which I turned OFF by the way because I have a default Row Action set to Edit - YET it still shows up).
This will be fixed in the next build

Code: Select all

but I don't really want a button - just a ">" on the right to go to a details screen.
You can easily manipulate the generated HTML to display what you want and where you want it.
Aware IM Support Team
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