ReOrder Report Groups

Contains tips for configurators working with Aware IM
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ReOrder Report Groups

Post by customaware »

Had a requirement recently to do two complex Reports with two Groups.
First Report has

Group A Header
Group B Header
Group B Footer
Group A Footer

The second report is...

Group B Header
Group A Header
Group A Footer
Group B Footer

So, the issue was that I am really lazy and did not want to have to rebuild the second report as there is no way to reorder the Groups and it would be a LOT of work with all the Totals etc.
After nearly running out of options I wondered..... What would happen if I created a New Group with the same name as the first Group... Group A

Well.... low and behold I ended up with this...

Group A Header
Group B Header
Group A Header
Group A Footer
Group B Footer
Group A Footer

AND!!!!.... The New Group inherited all of the tag and text elements of the first Group A. All I needed to do was reset the Group Condition on the New Group A and Bingo.

Now you can just delete the original Group A and finally left with

Group B Header
Group A Header
Group A Footer
Group B Footer

BAM! 4 Hour Job turned into 5 Minutes.

AwareIM 6.0, 8.7, 8.8, 9.0 , MariaDB, Windows 10, Ubuntu Linux. Theme: Default, Browser: Arc
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Re: ReOrder Report Groups

Post by tford »

Thanks for sharing, Mark!

I appreciate you taking the time to post stuff like this that stimulates the thinking.
Tom - V8.8 build 3137 - MySql / PostGres
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