MySQL Service on Mac - Changing the Port

Contains tips for configurators working with Aware IM
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MySQL Service on Mac - Changing the Port

Post by PointsWell »

So I spent the better part of a day trying to change the default port on mySQL on my desktop. Why? I have a remote server that AIM runs off and I can connect to by an SQL proxy (thereby keeping my database without an external IP address).

I also keep some 'useful' data locally but could not maintain a connection to the cloud and my local DB as they are both by default running off port 3306.

I wasted the better part of a day trying to figure out how to change the port (the my.cnf file is ignored when mySQL runs as a service).

The LaunchDaemon folder

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Contains a file

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All advice online points to editing this to add a program parameter of

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(or whatever port you want to use).

What none of the online advice mentions is that the plist file will try to launch with Xcode which will break the plist file.

Instead, what is required is that you first run

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sudo plutil -convert xml1
before using nano or vi to edit the file.

You can then update the ProgramArguments key to look something like this:

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That was the least inspiring day of my month so far...
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