FR - Control Over Tabs

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Improve control over Tabs

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FR - Control Over Tabs

Post by PointsWell »

Tabs at the moment can be used as an output from an operation, ie you create a process then add that process to a panel operation or an operation with records.

After that beyond closing the tab your control of the tab is limited. (Unless there are undocumented features to tabs, in which case please share).

Ideally I would like to be able to control Tabs from the process as I typically use the Tab to display layouts where a form is too simple (eg a layout with a BO's form, a grid that is not directly related and a form for that grid in a Master/Detail layout).

For example:
  • Process control of when a Tab is opened

    Code: Select all

    IF BO.Attribute=X THEN TAB_OPEN(TabName, NotCloseable, LayoutFromVP,BO) ELSE... 
    would open a tab give it a Title, Prevent User from Closing, Place a layout into that new Tab and use a specific BO as context.
  • Control of the ability for the user to close that tab - to prevent the user from being able to press the little close cross on the tab where that might leave an orphaned BO
  • Ideally the tab would be able to hold a BO in context without the need to run other processes
  • Be able to uniquely identify the tab - ideally linked to the BO that was placed into context
  • Be able to navigate to that uniquely identified tab

    Code: Select all

    check for the existence of a uniquely identified Tab and if it is open then bring that tab into focus, otherwise open that tab.
At the moment the Output To Tab is not particularly elegant, the bringing into context of any BO requires a process and the do not open multiples only works where the initiating BOs are identical
  • Open a tab from Contact will flip to the correct tab that contains a Contact
  • Open a tab using Order.psContact when the Contact tab is already open will open duplicates because psContact is not considered the same as Contact even though psContact is a reference to Contact
Some of this might be achievable via JavaScript but that requires a lot of understanding of how Kendo JS translates to AIM (and understanding Kendo to start with)

Is there other missing tab functionality?
Posts: 1461
Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:51 am
Location: 'Stralya

Re: FR - Control Over Tabs

Post by PointsWell »

Additional Tab functionality requests

Hidden titles and roll over deatails

Closing tab ... Tab#p57623

Parameterised Tab ID ... Tab#p54199
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