FR - Categorise BO Rules

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FR - Categorise BO Rules

Post by PointsWell »

In the same way that the BSV Object list is more manageable by having categories ...

Business Object Rules could be more readable/manageable if you could categorise these.

For Example:

Contact BO has name fields and Date fields
I have rules to check that:
  • SortName becomes FamilyName+', '+GivenName
  • FamilyName is not blank
  • DateOfBirth is not in the future
  • GivenName is not blank
  • DateOfBirth is not blank
This is just a simple made up list.
I can sort these obviously so that they become
  • GivenName is not blank
  • FamilyName is not blank
  • SortName becomes FamilyName+', '+GivenName
  • DateOfBirth is not blank
  • DateOfBirth is not in the future
This is simple for a short list of rules, but when you have a very high number of rules it can quickly be difficult to read all of these, it would therefore be helpful if I could put them into groupings:
  • Names
    • GivenName is not blank
    • FamilyName is not blank
    • SortName becomes FamilyName+', '+GivenName
  • Dates
    • DateOfBirth is not blank
    • DateOfBirth is not in the future
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