Corruption of Business Space ?

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Corruption of Business Space ?

Post by denisv »

I have started to get errors with a Business Space I created. It happens when I try to add a record from a Business Object to the Business Object I am viewing. This functionality has worked fine for all testing up to recently and I cannot see what has changed. By deleting the Business Soace, recreating it and re-importing BSV it seems to work and then eventual corrupts again. The error is in Tomcat. I have emailled log file.
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Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:36 am

Post by aware_support »

Your system is running low on memory - this is why you are having problems. How much free memory have you got on the machine where Aware IM server is running?

You do not need to re-create the business space - sometimes the problem can be fixed by re-starting Aware IM.

If you have enough memory please do the following:
1) Shutdown Aware IM
2) There's a file called startupOptions.props located in the AwareIM/samples directory. Copy this file to the AwareIM/bin directory.
3) Open this file with any text editor and modify the line starting with
to add -Xmx96M after ./JDK/java, so that the line starts with
TOMCAT_STARTUP=../JDK/bin/java -Xmx96M -Djava.endorsed.dirs= ...

Quick explanation:
1) Aware IM starts Tomcat and JBoss in separate Java virtual machines with default startup parameters. It allocates the default amount of memory for each virtual machine. Sometimes this is not enough.
2) If Aware IM finds a file called startupOptions.props in its BIN directory it will use the startup options for Tomcat and JBoss specified in this file rather than the default options
3) The option that controls the amount of memory is called -XmxNM where N is the amount of memory in Mb that you want to allocate, for example -Xmx96M
You can increase this value further if this is not enough (provided that you have enough memory on your machine).
Aware IM Support Team
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