Trial Version 2.2 problem

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Posts: 180
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:12 pm

Trial Version 2.2 problem

Post by pixerp »

I downloaded AwareIM and installed (standard-internal DB) on XP-SP2.

I can start AwareIM servers and use the samples. I can also start the Configuration Tool and I gave it a try.

Problem :

I log as admin and create a new Business Perspective. Then I create a new BO (File1) with 3 attributes. The main form shows up in preview correctly.

The new BO is also displayed in Visual Perspective, Administrator, Main Menu, Standard, New Object, Create Object. For this item(together with Regular User and Systemsettings).

If I test or publish the BP, I never get my BO in the list of Standard-New Object (only RegularUser and SystemSettings is available).

In c:\awareIM\Tomcat\webapps\awareIM, I find the following files :
BAS_WelcomeMyApp1__om_1.0_Administrator.jsp (note 2 underscores before om..)

and 0.23759043410969094.jsp containing the attached code.

Furthermore, if I close AwareIM (allservers), when I restart my BO is no longer present in my BP !

What is wrong ?


Code: Select all

<%@ page pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" contentType="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" %> 
<%@ page import="com.bas.webapp.actions.EntityFormBean" %> 
<%@ page import="com.bas.webapp.actions.NameAccessBean" %> 
<%@ page import="com.bas.shared.form.EntityFormGenerator" %> 
<%@ page import="com.bas.webapp.actions.QueryRangeBean" %> 
<%@ page import="com.bas.webapp.actions.EntityActionUtils" %> 
<%@ page import="" %> 
<%@ page import="com.bas.webapp.misc.WebAppConstants" %> 
<%@ page import="com.bas.webapp.misc.TemporaryResourceManager" %> 
<%@ page import="java.util.Collection" %> 
<%@ page import="java.util.Vector" %> 
<%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/awareim.tld" prefix="awareim" %> 
<%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/cc-security.tld" prefix="sec" %> 
<%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/cc-utility.tld" prefix="util" %> 
<%@ include file="standardStartHead.jsp" %> 
String imageMapKey = null, showViewButton = null, disablingStr = null, labelColW = null, tempImageSrc = null; 
boolean disablingStrBool = false; 
TemporaryResourceManager trm = (TemporaryResourceManager) session.getAttribute (WebAppConstants.TEMP_RESOURCE_MANAGER); 
EntityFormBean bean = (EntityFormBean) session.getAttribute ("EntityFormBean"); 
labelColW = EntityActionUtils.getLabelColumnWidth (bean, session); 
if (labelColW == null) labelColW = "90"; 
String action = ""; 
if (bean.getEditMode ().equals ("Add")) 
action = ""; 
<util:imagemap name="tree_images" > 
<util:imagemapping rule="branch" src="fw/def2/image/tree/15/folderClosed.gif" width="15" height="15"/>  
<util:imagemapping rule="leaf" src="fw/def2/image/tree/15/item.gif" width="15" height="15"/> 
<util:jsp  directive="includes"/> 
<style type="text/css"> 
.fc .fl { 
background-color : #DADFE0; 
padding: 5; 
width: 90px; 
word-wrap: break-word; 
font-weight : bold; 
text-align : right; 
.lc_nf .lcb .even td, .lc_nf .lcb .evens td { 
font-family : Arial; 
font-size : 8pt; 
padding-left : 1px; 
padding-right : 3px; 
height : 18px; 
} r
<script language="Javascript" src="config/javascript.js"> 
<awareim:body onload="bas_init()"> 
<%@ include file="standardStartTail.jsp" %> 
<forms:message caption="Error" severity="error" formid="err"/> 
<forms:message caption="Information" severity="information" formid="info"/> 
String ccFormType = (bean.getEditMode ().equals ("Display") ? "display" : "edit"); 
<html:form action="<%= action %>"> 
<forms:form type="<%=ccFormType%>" formid="Entity_Form" caption="File1"> 
<html:hidden property="editDocName" value="" /> 
<html:hidden name="EntityFormBean" property="actionCallStack" /> 
<html:hidden name="EntityFormBean" property="processFrame" /> 
<html:hidden name="EntityFormBean" property="formInfo" /> 
<html:hidden name="EntityFormBean" property="focusFieldName" /> 
<html:hidden name="EntityFormBean" property="sectionName" /> 
<html:hidden name="EntityFormBean" property="isDirty" /> 
<html:hidden name="EntityFormBean" property="isReferencesDirty" /> 
<input type="hidden" name="BAS_TabAction" value="" /> 
<input type="hidden" name="BAS_SelectedTab" value="" /> 
disablingStrBool = ! bean.getEditablePropertyById ("prop2"); 
disablingStr = (disablingStrBool ? "true" : "false"); 
<forms:text label="Code" maxlength="40" size="20" property="prop2" permission="$viewAttribute.Object.Code" disabled="<%=disablingStr%>" onfocus="if (changedAttrName) callDynamicRecalc (, changedAttrName);"/> 
disablingStrBool = ! bean.getEditablePropertyById ("prop0"); 
disablingStr = (disablingStrBool ? "true" : "false"); 
<forms:text label="Nom" maxlength="40" size="40" property="prop0" permission="$viewAttribute.Object.Nom" disabled="<%=disablingStr%>" onfocus="if (changedAttrName) callDynamicRecalc (, changedAttrName);"/> 
disablingStrBool = ! bean.getEditablePropertyById ("prop1"); 
disablingStr = (disablingStrBool ? "true" : "false"); 
<forms:calendar label="Date" maxlength="40" size="20" buttonTooltip="Show calendar control" format="dd/MM/yyyy" showformat="right" property="prop1" permission="$viewAttribute.Object.Date" disabled="<%=disablingStr%>" onfocus="if (changedAttrName) callDynamicRecalc (, changedAttrName);"/> 
<forms:buttonsection default="btnSave" align="right"> 
Posts: 595
Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 2:22 am

Post by aware_support2 »

Are you sure you login to the right operation mode? For example, if you publish your business space version under test, but do not tick the Testing Mode box when logging in, you will be logged into the main operation mode. The main operation mode will not have any of your objects but the default configuration automatically published when you created the business space.

You can try the following.

1. Open the Configuration Tool by clicking the button on the Control Panel.
2. Create a new business space.
3. Add a business object to the business space.
4. Click Update And Keep Locked command for the business space version.
5. Close the Configuration Tool.
6. Open the Configuration Tool by clicking the button on the Control Panel.
7. Check that your business space has the object you added in the previous session.
8. Click Test for the business space version.
9. Login to the new business space in the browser (testing mode) using the administrator credentials. Make sure you tick the Testing Mode box.
10. In the browser click menu Standard - New Object and check that the added object name is shown in the dropdown.
11. Logout from the browser.
12. In the Configuration Tool click Publish for the business space version under test.
13. Login to the new business space in the browser (main mode) using the administrator credentials. Make sure you DO NOT tick the Testing Mode box.
14. In the browser click menu Standard - New Object and check that the added object name is shown in the dropdown.
Aware IM Support Team
Posts: 180
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:12 pm

Post by pixerp »

Here is what I get :

1. Open the Configuration Tool by clicking the button on the Control Panel.
2. Create a new business space.
3. Add a business object to the business space.
4. Click Update And Keep Locked command for the business space version.
5. Close the Configuration Tool.
6. Open the Configuration Tool by clicking the button on the Control Panel.
7. Check that your business space has the object you added in the previous session.

OK, BO MyFile1 is still present and I found the reason of my problem :

Step 4 above is MANDATORY otherwise you'll experience the reported problem !
Maybe, you could make it clearer in the documentation.

8. Click Test for the business space version.
9. Login to the new business space in the browser (testing mode) using the administrator credentials. Make sure you tick the Testing Mode box.
10. In the browser click menu Standard - New Object and check that the added object name is shown in the dropdown.
11. Logout from the browser.
12. In the Configuration Tool click Publish for the business space version under test.
13. Login to the new business space in the browser (main mode) using the administrator credentials. Make sure you DO NOT tick the Testing Mode box.
14. In the browser click menu Standard - New Object and check that the added object name is shown in the dropdown.

Other points are OK. Now I can contnue my tests.
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