Inconsistent Button Placement

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Inconsistent Button Placement

Post by PointsWell »

I have driven myself round the twist trying to test something related to Database Scripts from the Business Space Version page.

The error arises from inconsistencies in the UI.
Button Placement Inverted
Button Placement Inverted
Screen Shot 2021-03-05 at 13.53.51.png (38.07 KiB) Viewed 8078 times
Note that the OK Cancel buttons go from being
Cancel OK for the first two screens to OK Cancel

This is an inversion of ALL the other UI and has resulted in me making significant changes and pressing Cancel / OK / OK running a test only to find the changes didn't take because the OK is in the wrong place for the first screen.

Steps to reproduce
Open the Business Space Version Page
Select the Database Scripts button to launch the window
Add or Edit a Script
Select the script to edit and the last screen will show the buttons inverted.

Also on these screen there is a redundant step to get to edit your script.

In the attached example I have selected the first script, then selected edit only to be presented with all of the scripts again
Duplicate Steps
Duplicate Steps
Screen Shot 2021-03-05 at 14.00.47.png (103.96 KiB) Viewed 8077 times
If I select the first script then the next screen offers me the same two scripts again. If I select the last script then only one is shown in the second screen.

I would have to ask what value this intermediate screen serves as the data contained, namely the database applicability could be put in the script edit screen rather than have this one weird intermediate screen where the developer is asked which script they want to edit and then get asked again which script they want to edit.
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