Intelligent objects require password confirmation for no reason

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Intelligent objects require password confirmation for no reason

Post by kklosson »

I have several intelligent business objects. For some, when creating or editing them, the system presents the password confirmation dialog even when no password exists or has been entered/changed. Note that if I press enter, the passwords do not match. This only occurs in operational mode and not in testing mode. It's very puzzling and I can see nothing that would initiate this. None of the objects have any business rules that address the password attribute at all.

This problem has existed on one business object on my production system and only when logged in as administrator when saving the object even with no changes. I have noticed it for a while. I am now testing a new BSV on a testing environment (a replica of the production environment) and I am now seeing it appear when creating some objects as a non-admin user.

Obviously, I cannot put this into production in this state. Any suggestions are welcome.
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Re: Intelligent objects require password confirmation for no reason

Post by kklosson »

It turns out that having the password attribute on the form, but hidden to all except the administrator, caused this issue.
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