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Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:24 am
Location: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


Post by customaware »

I am trying to implement a complex LIST_TABLE_START.

Simple one in a table is straight forward and works....such as the following...

<table class="tg-table-paper">
<th class="tg-col1">Date</th>
<th class="tg-col2">From</th>
<th class="tg-col3">Message</th>
<tr class="tg-even">
<td class="tg-col1"><<LIST_TABLE_START('ALLEvents')>><<Events.EventDate>></td>
<td class="tg-col2"><<Events.EventName>></td>
<td class="tg-col3"><<Events.EventVenue>><<LIST_TABLE_END()>></td>

However, I now want the attribute labels to the left of the data and restructured in divs as follows....
But this does not work. Viewing the import in Aware looks ok but when I export.... no data.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated....

<div class="listitemstart">
<div class="listtablestarttext"><<LIST_TABLE_START('ALLEvents')>></div>
<li class="eventlistitem">
<div class="w-row eventrow">
<div class="w-col w-col-5 w-clearfix eventc1">
<div class="eventpromptdiv">
<div class="eventprompttext">Event</div>
<div class="eventprompttext">Date</div>
<div class="eventprompttext">Start Time</div>
<div class="eventprompttext">End Time</div>
<div class="eventprompttext">Venue</div>
<div class="eventprompttext">Price</div>
<div class="eventprompttext">Description</div>
<div class="w-col w-col-7 eventc2">
<div class="eventdetailsdiv">
<div class="eventname"><<Events.EventName>></div>
<div class="eventdate"><<Events.EventDate>></div>
<div class="eventstarttime"><<Events.EventStartTime>></div>
<div class="eventendtime"><<Events.EventEndTime>></div>
<div class="eventvenue"><<Events.EventVenue>></div>
<div class="eventcost"><<Events.EventPrice>></div>
<p class="eventdescription"><<Events.EventDescription>></p>
<div class="listitemend">
<div class="listtableendtext"><<LIST_TABLE_END()>></div>
AwareIM 6.0, 8.7, 8.8, 9.0 , MariaDB, Windows 10, Ubuntu Linux. Theme: Default, Browser: Arc
Upcloud, Obsidian....
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