Mobile Query Refresh upon new or changed records

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Mobile Query Refresh upon new or changed records

Post by ab042 »

I'm having an issue on a mobile query that when new orders or changes are made the mobile query is not updating with the new/changed records.

EXAMPLE: A mobile customer shipping status app.

#1) Have the customer login on their smart phone.
#2) Show a query list of this customers orders and the shipping status of each. Of course they can click on the order for more details.
#3) While the customer has the query on the phone. Using your computer (Not phone) create a new order or make a change to the status of an order.

PROBLEM: The customer on his mobile app doesn't see the new order or the status change of existing order and has NO WAY to get the page to refresh and the auto refresh doesn't appear to be working on mobile apps.

2nd PROBLEM: If auto refresh is working it would drain the battery if set to a short period of time. Maybe a REFRESH BUTTON on mobile queries?

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Post by ACDC »

If you hold your finger somewhere on the query result , you should get a POP up with a refresh option, surely that would work ?
Posts: 326
Joined: Mon Jul 17, 2006 4:11 am

Post by ab042 »

Thank you, forgot about that one. But its not very user friendly.

I would kill that popup menu if I could. It pops up when changing tabs sometimes and is very confusing to a user.

It would be much better if they killed that popup menu and gave us a REFRESH button to place at the bottom of every query list.

Most users don't expect to have to hold a finger somewhere to get a refresh, let alone when they switch tabs this same menu that they don't understand shows up for no reason.

SUPPORT: Please give us the ability to disable this popup menu and give us a REFRESH at the bottom of a mobile query. THANKS!
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Post by RocketRod »

I agree as the pop up menu does appear when users are moving about tabs and it does become annoying. Having a button would be good.
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