Web deployment?

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Joined: Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:33 pm

Web deployment?

Post by Merrick »

I have looked at your site and browsed though the Forum here. What is involved in order to post applications created with Aware IM to run on the Web? I see that there is an Aware IM Server program. Does this need to be running on the Web Server that hosts the App? Can the Apps be deployed on .asp ot .net hosted server?

Thanks in advance.
Posts: 7527
Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:36 am

Post by aware_support »


Aware IM has everything required for web access. It includes a web server (Tomcat) that can handle web requests. It does not need any external software such as Apache or Microsoft Internet Information Server.

Aware IM will run on any platform - Windows, Linux or Mac. It doesn't matter whether the server is running .NET or ASP - Aware IM does not need it.

Basically just install Aware IM or your server (or hosted server) and you have web access. Obviously the server should have a fixed IP address and DNS name for users to be able to access it via URL:


(This is the URL to access Aware IM web applications)

If you install Aware IM on a shared host make sure there's enough memory - Aware IM needs at least 256M. We recommend web hosts that offer Windows or Linux VPS (Virtual Private Server).

Best Regards
Aware IM Support Team
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