Newbie here and needing some help

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Newbie here and needing some help

Post by tonyjamero »

I am very new to AwareIM. We just purchased the software this week though I have been testing it for 2 weeks now.

Just need some suggestion on how should I go about creating the report that I need.

I created a business space called Estimate where I can create quotes for customers and the line items of the quote are manufactured items. Of course each of the manufactured items have materials components in it. So far, I have created the whole application and its working fine. However, I can't seem to figure out how to print the material components of the manufactured line items. I can print the quote itself with all the manufactured line items in it. But I am having troubling printing the the materials in each of those manufactured item.

Cant figure out to execute a query to show the Quote details as:

- manufactured item1
- materials of item1
- manufactured item2
-materials of item2

I tried the business object group by creating a BO group called 'Detail' having the quote, manufactureditems, and materials as member but its even more confusing to me.

I know a lot of users have done similar applications before and most likely have the answer to my question. I am still learning how the whole system works.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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Post by kklosson »

Hi and welcome.

If I understand you, you have an Estimate business object, a material item business object, and a component business object, and I presume that each is owned by the former, i.e., components are owned by manufactured items and manufactured items are owned by Estimates. Whether or not that's correct won't matter too much, just follow this concept and apply it to what you have.

Make an "estimate" report, as you have probably done. This would only contain the attributes of the estimate business object, like the date and the customer, etc.

Now make another "item" report that contains the manufactured item attributes, such as name, item number, etc.

Now make another "component" report that contains the attributes of the components.

In your "item" report, include the "component" report as a sub report, and in your "estimate" report, include the "item" report as a sub report.

Each sub report has it's own query, just set that up so that each relates to the other. For example, the query for the component report would be something like "".

There are a few things to monkey with that you should be able to handle. Good luck.
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Post by tonyjamero »

Thanks for the quick response kklosson. I will try your suggestion using sub reports.

I was hoping I can just create a single query linking all the 5 objects involve in AwareIM. I can do this on the SQL Server using a single sql statement linking the 5 tables. I just dont know yet how to do this inside AwareIM.
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Post by technopak »

Hi Tony and welcome to the Aware forums,

In addition to what kklosson has said, you need to know that in Aware, queries can't refer directly to related objects.

Assuming you have set up the various relationships correctly, you need to use shortcut attributes which refer to the attributes of the related objects which you want to use in your query. You can then include the shortcuts in your query definition and you can produce a single query which pulls data from the related objects.

Perhaps check out 'Shortcuts' in the User Manual for further explanation, or there are many forum posts concerning shortcuts which will also help.

Good luck with your app,

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Location: Vincennes,IN

Post by tonyjamero »

Thanks to all who responded. I got it to work by following kkloson's suggestion of inserting subreports.
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