Web Service: error trying to assigned reply vals to BO attrb

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Web Service: error trying to assigned reply vals to BO attrb

Post by Bryan »

A big THANK YOU to Support I have everything nailed down for calling an external web service with the help of their YouTube example they sent me. The only issue I am having is assigning the web service reply values to BO attributes. At first I thought it was just something I was doing wrong (still could be) but I double checked the YouTube example and it is having the same issues.

Basically everything is good according to the logs, up until the point that values are assigned to attributes of a newly created BO.

Here is the log file that details the issue. Any help on this one would be greatly appreciated. Also, just PM me with your email if you would like the bsv to test this with.

2009-05-07 15:00:10,375 tube#admin -20 Executing process StartMessage

2009-05-07 15:00:10,375 tube#admin -29 Started evaluation of rules

2009-05-07 15:00:10,375 tube#admin -22 Evaluating rule 'StartSOAP' CREATE YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam WITH YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam.fileURL='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUynvwiOohg' REQUEST SERVICE GetDownloadURL OF YouTube USING YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam CREATE YouTubeReply WITH YouTubeReply.DirectLink=YouTubeGetDownloadURLReply.GetDownloadURLResult
2009-05-07 15:00:10,375 tube#admin -2 Adding action CREATE YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam WITH YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam.fileURL='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUynvwiOohg' to the agenda
2009-05-07 15:00:10,375 tube#admin -2 Adding action REQUEST SERVICE GetDownloadURL OF YouTube USING YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam to the agenda
2009-05-07 15:00:10,375 tube#admin -2 Adding action CREATE YouTubeReply WITH YouTubeReply.DirectLink=YouTubeGetDownloadURLReply.GetDownloadURLResult to the agenda
2009-05-07 15:00:10,375 tube#admin -16 Finished rule evaluation
2009-05-07 15:00:10,375 tube#admin -16 Finished evaluation of rules
2009-05-07 15:00:10,375 tube#admin -15 Executing action CREATE YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam WITH YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam.fileURL='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUynvwiOohg'
2009-05-07 15:00:10,375 tube#admin -31 Setting initial values into business object YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam
2009-05-07 15:00:10,375 tube#admin -4 fileURL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUynvwiOohg
2009-05-07 15:00:10,375 tube#admin -16 business object
2009-05-07 15:00:10,390 tube#admin -16 Finished executing action CREATE YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam WITH YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam.fileURL='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUynvwiOohg'
2009-05-07 15:00:10,390 tube#admin -15 Executing action REQUEST SERVICE GetDownloadURL OF YouTube USING YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam
FAULT: ERROR: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSSink - txnCommit() failed with JMS Queue/Topic PublishException: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.PublishException: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSPublisher - commit() called when not initialized

ERROR: transaction commit failed (will call rollback) , ERROR: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSSink - txnCommit() failed with JMS Queue/Topic PublishException: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.PublishException: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSPublisher - commit() called when not initialized

2009-05-07 15:00:11,765 tube#admin -16 Finished executing action REQUEST SERVICE GetDownloadURL OF YouTube USING YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam
2009-05-07 15:00:11,765 tube#admin -15 Executing action CREATE YouTubeReply WITH YouTubeReply.DirectLink=YouTubeGetDownloadURLReply.GetDownloadURLResult
2009-05-07 15:00:11,765 tube#admin -Unable to determine data values for attribute YouTubeGetDownloadURLReply.GetDownloadURLResult due to the following exception org.openadaptor.dataobjects.InvalidParameterException Nonexistent attribute: N_SPEC
2009-05-07 15:00:11,765 tube#admin -31 Setting initial values into business object YouTubeReply
2009-05-07 15:00:11,765 tube#admin -4 DirectLink=null
2009-05-07 15:00:11,765 tube#admin -16 business object
2009-05-07 15:00:11,765 tube#admin -16 Finished executing action CREATE YouTubeReply WITH YouTubeReply.DirectLink=YouTubeGetDownloadURLReply.GetDownloadURLResult
2009-05-07 15:00:11,765 tube#admin -16 Finished executing process StartMessage
Version 8 (Build 2358)
Posts: 7527
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Post by aware_support »

The problem is this line:
exception org.openadaptor.dataobjects.InvalidParameterException Nonexistent attribute: N_SPEC

We need to check what is going on. Are you saying that in the YouTube example this is happenning as well?
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Post by Bryan »

Unfortunately yes. The at first I though it was just something I was doing incorrectly but it turned out the YouTube example had the same issue in the log file.
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Post by aware_support »

We'll check it out and let you know
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Post by Bryan »

Awesome - Thanks
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Post by aware_support »

We just tested the example BSV again and everything is fine. There is definitely no problem in the BSV.

Looking at the log output again the problem is actually with the REQUEST SERVICE action - it doesn't seem to go through on you machine. Can you try again and attach the output of the Aware IM Server?
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Post by Bryan »

Here it is. Just in case I did something wrong I went ahead and import the BSV that you sent me again.


2009-05-10 13:02:58,203 tube#admin -20 Executing process StartMessage

2009-05-10 13:02:58,203 tube#admin -29 Started evaluation of rules

2009-05-10 13:02:58,218 tube#admin -22 Evaluating rule 'StartSOAP' CREATE YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam WITH YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam.fileURL='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpnRLbewDKc' REQUEST SERVICE GetDownloadURL OF YouTube USING YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam CREATE YouTubeReply WITH YouTubeReply.DirectLink=YouTubeGetDownloadURLReply.GetDownloadURLResult

2009-05-10 13:02:58,218 tube#admin -2 Adding action CREATE YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam WITH YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam.fileURL='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpnRLbewDKc' to the agenda

2009-05-10 13:02:58,218 tube#admin -2 Adding action REQUEST SERVICE GetDownloadURL OF YouTube USING YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam to the agenda

2009-05-10 13:02:58,218 tube#admin -2 Adding action CREATE YouTubeReply WITH YouTubeReply.DirectLink=YouTubeGetDownloadURLReply.GetDownloadURLResult to the agenda

2009-05-10 13:02:58,218 tube#admin -16 Finished rule evaluation

2009-05-10 13:02:58,218 tube#admin -16 Finished evaluation of rules

2009-05-10 13:02:58,218 tube#admin -15 Executing action CREATE YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam WITH YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam.fileURL='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpnRLbewDKc'

2009-05-10 13:02:58,218 tube#admin -31 Setting initial values into business object YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam

2009-05-10 13:02:58,218 tube#admin -4 fileURL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpnRLbewDKc

2009-05-10 13:02:58,218 tube#admin -16 business object

2009-05-10 13:02:58,218 tube#admin -16 Finished executing action CREATE YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam WITH YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam.fileURL='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpnRLbewDKc'

2009-05-10 13:02:58,218 tube#admin -15 Executing action REQUEST SERVICE GetDownloadURL OF YouTube USING YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam

FAULT: ERROR: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSSink - txnCommit() failed with JMS Queue/Topic PublishException: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.PublishException: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSPublisher - commit() called when not initialized

ERROR: transaction commit failed (will call rollback) , ERROR: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSSink - txnCommit() failed with JMS Queue/Topic PublishException: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.PublishException: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSPublisher - commit() called when not initialized

2009-05-10 13:02:59,015 tube#admin -16 Finished executing action REQUEST SERVICE GetDownloadURL OF YouTube USING YouTubeGetDownloadURLParam

2009-05-10 13:02:59,015 tube#admin -15 Executing action CREATE YouTubeReply WITH YouTubeReply.DirectLink=YouTubeGetDownloadURLReply.GetDownloadURLResult

2009-05-10 13:02:59,015 tube#admin -Unable to determine data values for attribute YouTubeGetDownloadURLReply.GetDownloadURLResult due to the following exception org.openadaptor.dataobjects.InvalidParameterException Nonexistent attribute: N_SPEC

2009-05-10 13:02:59,015 tube#admin -31 Setting initial values into business object YouTubeReply

2009-05-10 13:02:59,015 tube#admin -4 DirectLink=null

2009-05-10 13:02:59,015 tube#admin -16 business object

2009-05-10 13:02:59,015 tube#admin -16 Finished executing action CREATE YouTubeReply WITH YouTubeReply.DirectLink=YouTubeGetDownloadURLReply.GetDownloadURLResult

2009-05-10 13:02:59,015 tube#admin -16 Finished executing process StartMessage

2009-05-10 13:02:59,015 tube#admin -17

2009-05-10 13:02:59,015 tube#admin -17
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Posts: 7527
Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:36 am

Post by aware_support »

This is mostly the output of the log viewer which I have already seen. What I am after is the output of the Aware IM server. Please turn off logging to the console (so that there is no logging of rules in the console) and attach the output of the Aware IM Server (which will have everything but rule execution - this is what I am after)
Aware IM Support Team
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Post by Bryan »

Sorry, here is the information you requested.

Aware IM Server started...

Process status: Aware IM Server: Active and functional

Process status: Not started

Overall status: Aware IM system is active and functional

Process status: Starting...

Starting Configuration Tool ..\JDK\bin\java -DBASDomainName0=pit2 -DBASDomainName1=tube -DBASDomainName2=youtube -DBASDefaultDomainName3=pit -DBASDomainName4=crm -DBASDomainName5=webservice -DBASDomainName6=weather -DBASDomainName7=Library -DBASDomainName8=zip -DBASDomainName9=ets -DBASDomainName10=fire -DBASDomainName11=ETS -Xmx196m -classpath ../JDK/lib/tools.jar;../JBoss/client/jnp-client.jar;../JBoss/client/jnet.jar;../JBoss/client/jboss-common-client.jar;../JBoss/client/jbossmq-client.jar;../JBoss/client/jboss-j2ee.jar;../Tomcat/common/lib/servlet-api.jar;../Tomcat/common/lib/jsp-api.jar;../JBoss/client/concurrent.jar;../Tomcat/shared/lib/openAdaptor.jar;../Tomcat/shared/lib/jgraph.jar;../Tomcat/shared/lib/jasperreports-0.5.0.jar;../Tomcat/shared/lib/xerces.jar;../Tomcat/shared/lib/commons-digester.jar;../Tomcat/shared/lib/commons-collections.jar;../Tomcat/shared/lib/commons-beanutils.jar;../Tomcat/shared/lib/itext-0.96.jar;../Tomcat/shared/lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar;../Tomcat/shared/lib/regexp.jar;../Tomcat/shared/lib/jakarta-poi-1.5.1.jar;../Tomcat/shared/lib/commons-logging.jar;../Tomcat/shared/lib/jhall.jar;../docs/help.jar;../Tomcat/shared/lib/looks-1.3.1.jar;../Tomcat/shared/lib/jacob.jar;../Tomcat/shared/lib/awareim.jar com.bas.uiconfiguration.Application

Process status: Started

Exception getting number of registered users com.bas.shared.domain.configuration.ResourceUnavailableException Error reading business space version from persistence Illegal operation on empty result set.

Exception getting number of registered users com.bas.shared.domain.configuration.ResourceUnavailableException Error reading business space version from persistence Illegal operation on empty result set.

INFO: Calling System.runFinalizersOnExit (true)

INFO: Default locale for machine is en_US

INFO: Default timezone for machine is GMT-04:00

INFO: Property SOAP_NOTIF_1.LocaleISOLanguageCode set to 'en'

INFO: Property SOAP_NOTIF_1.LocaleISOCountryCode set to 'US'

WARN: Retaining default locale

INFO: Property SOAP_NOTIF_1.TimeZone set to 'GMT-04:00'

WARN: Retaining default timezone

INFO: Property SOAP_NOTIF_1.Logging.LoggingTimeInfo set to 'true'

INFO: Property SOAP_NOTIF_1.Logging.LoggingThreadInfo set to 'false'

INFO: Property SOAP_NOTIF_1.Logging.LoggingPackageInfo set to 'false'

INFO: Property SOAP_NOTIF_1.Logging.RemoteLogSetting set to 'FATAL'

INFO: Checking RemoteLogger

INFO: Logger status=OutputLogger status: loggingTimeInfo = true loggingThreadInfo = false loggingPackageInfo = false logLevel for [DEFAULT] is [INFO]

INFO: Property SOAP_NOTIF_1.LogStdout set to 'false'

INFO: SOAP_NOTIF_1 creating Controller as instance of org.openadaptor.adaptor.SimpleController

INFO: SOAP_NOTIF_1 Initializing Controller

TRACE: Constructing SimpleController

INFO: SOAP_NOTIF_1.Controller setting propsPrefix to SOAP_NOTIF_1.Controller

INFO: SOAP_NOTIF_1.Controller Creating Security Manager

INFO: SOAP_NOTIF_1.Controller No Security Policy in use

TRACE: SimpleController SOAP_NOTIF_1.Controller init complete

INFO: SOAP_NOTIF_1 creating PipelineController as instance of org.openadaptor.adaptor.STPipelineController

INFO: No timeout for component initialization.

TRACE: SimpleComponent OS init complete

TRACE: SimpleComponent RRP init complete

TRACE: SimpleComponent QS init complete

TRACE: AbstractWriter QS init complete

TRACE: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSSink propsPrefix=SOAP_NOTIF_1.QS

TRACE: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSSink RetryLimit=-1

TRACE: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSSink RetryDelay=100000

TRACE: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSSink MessageType=Object

INFO: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSSink Initialising JMS Queue/Topic SOAP_NOTIF_1.QS

TRACE: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSPublisher propsPrefix=SOAP_NOTIF_1.QS.Publisher

TRACE: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSPublisher MessageMode=Queue

TRACE: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSPublisher JNDI_PROVIDER_URL=jnp://localhost:9650/

TRACE: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSPublisher JMDI_FACTORY=org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory

TRACE: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSPublisher JMS_QUEUE_FACTORY=ConnectionFactory

TRACE: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSPublisher JMS_QUEUE=queue/skinputqueue

TRACE: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSPublisher Publisher.ClientID=null

TRACE: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSPublisher Publisher.OverrideExistingClientID=false

TRACE: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSPublisher Publisher.Transacted=true

TRACE: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSPublisher Publisher.DeliveryMode=2

TRACE: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSPublisher Publisher.Priority=5

TRACE: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSPublisher Publisher.TimeToLive=0

TRACE: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSPublisher - establishing JMS connection

TRACE: your JMS vendor implementation of QueueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection() returns a class which is an instance of TopicConnection as well as an instance of QueueConnection

INFO: org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSSink Initialisation succeeded for Queue/Topic skinputqueue

INFO: SOAP_NOTIF_1.Controller linking OS to RRP

INFO: SOAP_NOTIF_1.Controller linking RRP to QS

INFO: Calling System.runFinalizersOnExit (true)

INFO: SOAP_NOTIF_1.Controller running

TRACE: SOAP_NOTIF_1.Controller - Starting thread for Source OS

INFO: Default locale for machine is en_US

INFO: Default timezone for machine is GMT-04:00

INFO: Property YouTubeRequest.LocaleISOLanguageCode set to 'en'

INFO: Property YouTubeRequest.LocaleISOCountryCode set to 'US'

WARN: Retaining default locale

INFO: Property YouTubeRequest.TimeZone set to 'GMT-04:00'

WARN: Retaining default timezone

INFO: OS running in callback mode

INFO: Property YouTubeRequest.Logging.LoggingTimeInfo set to 'true'

INFO: Property YouTubeRequest.Logging.LoggingThreadInfo set to 'false'

INFO: Property YouTubeRequest.Logging.LoggingPackageInfo set to 'false'

INFO: Property YouTubeRequest.Logging.RemoteLogSetting set to 'FATAL'

INFO: Checking RemoteLogger

INFO: Logger status=OutputLogger status: loggingTimeInfo = true loggingThreadInfo = false loggingPackageInfo = false logLevel for [DEFAULT] is [INFO]

INFO: Property YouTubeRequest.LogStdout set to 'false'

INFO: YouTubeRequest creating Controller as instance of org.openadaptor.adaptor.SimpleController

INFO: YouTubeRequest Initializing Controller

TRACE: Constructing SimpleController

INFO: YouTubeRequest.Controller setting propsPrefix to YouTubeRequest.Controller

INFO: YouTubeRequest.Controller Creating Security Manager

INFO: YouTubeRequest.Controller No Security Policy in use

TRACE: SimpleController YouTubeRequest.Controller init complete

INFO: YouTubeRequest creating PipelineController as instance of org.openadaptor.adaptor.STPipelineController

INFO: No timeout for component initialization.

TRACE: SimpleComponent RRS init complete

TRACE: SimpleComponent SS init complete

TRACE: AbstractWriter SS init complete

INFO: YouTubeRequest.Controller linking RRS to SS

INFO: YouTubeRequest.Controller running

TRACE: YouTubeRequest.Controller - Starting thread for Source RRS

INFO: RRS running in callback mode
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Posts: 7527
Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:36 am

Post by aware_support »

This is a mystery. The output looks OK and yet the service call gives a strange error. It works perfectly on our systems. We can help you by connecting to your system remotely but we will charge you for this. If you are interested please send an e-mail to [email protected]
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Post by Bryan »

Thanks for taking a look. I am going to try and test it on a couple other machines. I will post what I find out.
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Post by Bryan »

One question on the You Tube web service example. I have tested on another machine and do not get the same issue/error. My question is what is the YouTubeReply.DirectLink field supposed to be set to after the web service call. According to the process this field is supposed to be set to the reply of the service but it is always blank. I only ask because it is hard to tell if the process what successful without data being returned to the field.

One other thing. I am using a webservice that is tied to specific login information. I can currently run it from my machine but according to the documentation the only way to call it through other machines would be to include the login information into the SOAP <Header> tag. How can I include this information when calling the service from within Aware.
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Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:36 am

Post by aware_support »

YouTube RETURNS blank and I don't know why. Your configuration is fine and it is up to YouTube.

Regarding the second question - you can set up these options in the configuration of the SOAP channel of the YouTube intelligent object.
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Location: Cincy

Post by Bryan »

Thanks so much.
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Post by Bryan »

With regard to my second question. I went to the user guide to determine how to set the configuration option of the SOAP channel. The guide states that all of the available properties can be found through the Intelligence tab on the Communication Channel table Edit button. The only problem is that it only allows me to specify the URL of the WSDL file.

Thanks again for the assistance.
Version 8 (Build 2358)
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