V4 - Form display in browsers

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V4 - Form display in browsers

Post by pixerp »

Doing some validations on V4.1, I'm using the sample CRM application and noticed the following difference in displaying Form details:

display a Customer form, press the "next" icon (top right of the form)
=> only the attribute data will change, no movement (refresh) of any other object in the form (frame)

do the same
=> the whole form below the 1st attribute data will be redrawn, gives the impression that the form is being "unfolded"

This is quite annoying.... is it going to be changed ?

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Post by aware_support »

This has nothing to do with Aware IM. It is totally up to the browser. Aware IM is NOT redrawing the form - it is using AJAX to change values in the fields. FF should not redraw during this but apparently it does(are you sure?). There's nothing we can do about it.
Aware IM Support Team
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Post by pixerp »

Well it's very easy to test, so I'm pretty sure !

Use the CRM sample app, display a Customer detail form and then press the next icon (top right).

In IE7, the form stays steady all the time when data changes

in FF3, the form is redrawn each time after the 1st attribute (Number)

in Opera 9.63, the form stays steady or is redrawn up and then...

I know the difficulties to have the same behavior accross different browsers but one of the main objectives to AJAX technology is avoiding frame redrawn, isn't it ?
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Post by christopherb »

You are correct, FF redraws while IE does not. I did send a message to Mozilla regarding this a week or so ago. Hopefully they can correct that :)

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