Prepurchase questions

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Prepurchase questions

Post by Dreamer »

Unfortunately I didn't find the trial period as productive as I would have liked (I should have dug into the documentation more so before downloading!). So I'm reading the documentation to get a better feel for what to expect. In the mean time I have a couple of questions regarding the product itself.

Let's say I create an application/service and host it on the internet. Users can be both individuals, business' with employees and their clients in general. There are different level of services available to Individuals and businesses in the form of free accounts and paid accounts. If I am correct the users of the application would not need named user licenses per the "Can I host applications for my customers?" on the license.html#Hosting page.

Am I correct in assuming that each of the 5 products on the compare_products.html page comes with a license for one Aware IM server in addition to the User Licenses specified? And that additional server licenses currently start at $999?

How secure is one's coded application? Are AwareIM applications compiled?

I am not involved in server environments and the licensing of their software for servers/multi-processor units. So I apologize if my questions are rudimentary.
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Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:36 am

Post by aware_support »

Let's say I create an application/service and host it on the internet. Users can be both individuals, business' with employees and their clients in general. There are different level of services available to Individuals and businesses in the form of free accounts and paid accounts. If I am correct the users of the application would not need named user licenses per the "Can I host applications for my customers?" on the license.html#Hosting page.

That's correct.

Am I correct in assuming that each of the 5 products on the compare_products.html page comes with a license for one Aware IM server in addition to the User Licenses specified? And that additional server licenses currently start at $999?

That's correct.

How secure is one's coded application? Are AwareIM applications compiled?

Aware IM applications are not compiled but this doesn't affect security in any way. You can use SSL to secure access to Aware IM applications on your server. Aware IM uses industry-proven technologies internally which are very secure.
Aware IM Support Team
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