import of related records

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import of related records

Post by tkilshaw »

Page 103 of the User Manual describes the import of related records as follows:

If Aware IM does not find the instance of the Customer object with these values it writes the following record into the relationship file (here we assume that the value of the ID attribute of the new Account object automatically assigned by Aware IM is 1734):

Once the instance of the Customer object representing John Smith has been imported into the system we can import the above relationship file created when importing accounts. This time Aware IM will find the instance of the Customer object representing John Smith and create a relationship between the account with ID 1734 and this instance.

My question is why will the instance of the Customer object be found when the relationship file is imported?

It wasn't there when the first file was imported, so why would it be found when the second file is imported?

As far as I can see nothing has changed to cause creation of that record.

Also where is this auto-created relationship file created and how is it identified?

It would be helpful if there was a more detailed example used to explain the possibilities.


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Post by aware_support2 »


The scenario described in the User Guide is as follows:

Step 1. Import Account file. References to Customer are not resolved and the relationships file is created.
Step 2. Import Customer file.
Step 3. Import the relationship file to create unresolved references.

If the step 2 was performed first there would be no need for a relationship file nor the step 3. This described example demonstrates a more complicated situation where there may be interrelated dependencies between objects and some instances have to be imported before those they refer to.

The relationship file, as well as the import log, is available for download from the browser when the import operation finishes.
Aware IM Support Team
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