Mouse Movement breaks Search

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Mouse Movement breaks Search

Post by twhitehurst »

Does anyone else have this issue? If so, is there anything I can do about it?

I have several simple queries with "ask at run time" questions.

When the user clicks on Search they have to leave their mouse on the search button or the search stops and does not complete.

Any mouse movement will stop the query from running.

I have noticed this is other areas before but normally mouse movement in the main window is OK and it stops if we mouse over the tool bar. But in the example above the smallest movement off of the search button breaks the query?

One reason this is an issue is that we have some Date Range Queries that are searching 10 thousand entries or more and at times it can take several minutes to return the data. This means the user must sit and wait (without moving the mouse) or the entire process has to be started over.

Any help would be great!

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