Query Display using Charts in a Custom Presentation

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Query Display using Charts in a Custom Presentation

Post by czillman »

Hello -

I created a Query that selects several hundred BO records. I have created a custom presentation that COUNTS and creates a summary chart values from the BO records. On the horizontal axis is the month that the the BO was created on the vert axis is the count of BOs created that month. I would like a very simple line graph BOs counted monthly over a 12 month period.

It all works fine except that the Query only supports a max of 100 display items. This gives me a summary chart for every 100 records. Is there any way to override the maximum items to display for the query? Is there any other workaround?

Cheers, Charles
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Post by aware_support »

Can you use a report instead of the presentation? A report wouldn't have this limitation.
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Post by czillman »

I was hoping to have a single view that would show the same set of busobjects (servicerequests) in three graph views on one html page.

1) servicerequests counted by servicerequests.month on one line graph;
2) servicerequests counted by servicerequests.technology on a pie graph;
3) servicerequests counted by servicerequests.team on a second pie graph;

This would allow users a quick glance to see when the services are being requested, what type of services and what teams will need to perform the service in one view.

I think to do this with reports I would need 3 sub reports with embedded queries. servicerequests sorted by months in one; servicerequests sorted by technology in a second; servicerequests sorted by team in the third. Then I would need a 4th report with the three sub reports in the summary section. I did start down this path. After making many mistakes, I thought perhaps there would be a simpler way.

Is there a sample of a report that I can base my work from? Is there a simpler way?
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Post by aware_support »

Maybe you won't need several sub-reports and you can do everything in one report? Can you isolate service requests that you are counting?

First Aware IM collects all data for a report and then you can specify different criteria for different graphs WITHIN the data collected. So, if, for example, you could collect all service requests for a report, then within one report you could display several graphs that use different criteria to filter collected data - by month, by technology etc.
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Post by czillman »

Sounds like a good approach.

From reading the manual and looking at the samples I'm sure this capability exists in within the reporting function. However, I'm not sure how to get started. A sample report would go a long way towards education.

Is there a sample that will help me understand the suggested approach?
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Post by aware_support »

There is a sample configuration containing reports with charts. It is in the SAMPLES directory and it is called SampleCharts.bsv. Please have a look.
Aware IM Support Team
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