Adding records to database of Aware app

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Adding records to database of Aware app

Post by robleer »


I have an Aware app which works fine for 95%. But there is a process I unfortunately cannot develop with Aware (has to do with loops and table syncs).

Therefore I want to write a .Net application which does the job at databaselevel and which stores some data into the Aware apps databasetables.

Can I do that without problems, or this something I never should not do? Why?

I see 3 fields in the Aware tables: ID, BASVERSION and BASTIMESTAMP which bother me a little.

ID: I can generate an ID which is not in the range of the Aware ID's, so this should not be a problem.
BASVERSION: this looks to me a counter with number of updates of the record.
BASTIMESTAMP: timestamp of the last update of the record.

Anyone who can say something about this? Good/bad experiences with approaches like this? Other solutions?

Thanks for your help in advance.
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Re: Adding records to database of Aware app

Post by aware_support »

Rather than developing in .NET why not develop in Java? You could then develop a proper Aware IM plugin using our API.

Then you wouldn't need to worry about things like BAS_VERSION and ID

Still, if you have to use .NET, then you need to allocate a proper ID for a new record - the ID needs to be unique across the entire database,
BASVERSION - yes, this counts the number of updates and is important for optimistic locking.

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Re: Adding records to database of Aware app

Post by robleer »

Thanks for you reply.
Ok, I use .Net because I never developed in Java. To much effort to switch to Java for this small solution I want.
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Re: Adding records to database of Aware app

Post by nhofkes »

Have you considered writing the custom process as a SQL Stored Procedure? That does not solve the issue of the ID, BASVERSION and BASTIMESTAMP, but at least you have it running directly in the database so it may be easier and faster than as a .NET application running on the server.
(V9.0 build 3241 - MariaDB - Windows)
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