Run a Process once when BS is Published

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Run a Process once when BS is Published

Post by gernotlg »

Is there a way to start a process as soon as a new BS is published ?

eg. If I had a process called InitBS

System running happily.... BS get published .... InitBS gets executed... system keeps running happily, and initBS never runs again unless a new BS is Published.

I have a workaround using the Schedular, where I read the most recent VERSIONSTR ...

Code: Select all

SELECT VERSIONSTR FROM basdb.domainversions where DNAME = 'mybsname' order by VERSIONSTR DESC Limit 1;
then I compare that value with the one I previously saved in SystemSettings ... and if it's different then I can call InitBS

But of course, it has to execute repeatedly, to check the version of my BS.

Wondering if there's a better way to run a process once at the start when a new BS is published.

Note: This needs to be a system process that I run, so I can't use the execute process when VP is loaded/initialized

I have also tried Database scripts, but it clearly only executes when BS is published '...for the first time' like it says.

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Re: Run a Process once when BS is Published

Post by hpl123 »

Well, there exists no "native" way of doing this but what you are doing should work and doesn´t cause any noticeable load or tax on the system (i.e the rule checking current version VS last checked current version is so minor etc. it doesn´t matter if it run repeatedly). The only tip I have is, there is a Aware function you can use in rules that gets the current version and you can use that to check against another attribute holding the "last" current version. Look here: ... sv_version

An addition to this is, it is maybe better to just check version via the function above 1 time and set a yes/no flag with a value and then in your process that runs repeatedly, check that flag instead of running the Aware function every time which theoretically would mean even less load/tax when checking repeatedly.
Henrik (V8 Developer Ed. - Windows)
Posts: 80
Joined: Fri Aug 27, 2021 1:24 am

Re: Run a Process once when BS is Published

Post by gernotlg »

ah sweet. Thanks. that'll save a database query every time.
V8.8 / Windows / MySQL
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