[SOLVED] French Locale and Acute Accents

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[SOLVED] French Locale and Acute Accents

Post by rocketman »

Struggling to make sense of this. I just imported some stuff from a potential new customer and anything that has an acute (I think it's the one that slopes thus /) accent I see in the lists and forms as below

But strangely - when I look a - say - a calendar, the AwareIM's built in translation shows the accent fine (eg Fevrier has 1 acute e') Can't show it here because the CTRL+' folled by the letter doesn't work on this BB

DB is set to UTF8
Last edited by rocketman on Sun Feb 05, 2023 1:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: French Locale and Acute Accents

Post by joben »

How is the source file encoded?

If it is a CSV file, you can open it in excel and try to save it as a CSV UTF-8 and see if it makes any difference.

Also, the charset/collation of the database and the individual tables within is not necessarily the same.
For instance, we have a database with utf8mb4 and a table with latin1.
You might want to look at the individual table as well.
Regards, Joakim

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Re: French Locale and Acute Accents

Post by rocketman »

Thanks Joakim

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SOLVED Re: French Locale and Acute Accents

Post by rocketman »

It would appear the problem lies with Excel - not the char set of the table.

After a bit of Googling, I opened the CSV file the customer had sent me fo import using Notepad (windows) and immediately re-saved it after changing the encoding to UTF8 (which the spreadsheet was in - or supposed to be.

Hey presto - all my French accents were visible and correct. The MySQL table - I didn’t change. It’s still Latin 1

V8.7 Developer Edition. Server 2016 Standard edition. MySql 5.5
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