Aware IM 8.8 has been released!

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Aware IM 8.8 has been released!

Post by aware_support »

Dear Aware IM customers,

we are proud to announce the release of the new version 8.8. Please see the release notes below for a complete list of changes.

Aware IM 8.8 Release Notes

Aware IM 8.8 contains a number of new features and improvements.
The list of the new features and improvements is shown below.

New Features:
1. Integration with Stripe Multiparty Payments
Please watch the video at this URL
2. Support for the Rating widget
The rating widget that allows users to rate something and shows rating as stars, can be used in forms as well as
the standard and custom queries
3. Palette of available attributes
Aware IM now displays a palette of attributes that can be dragged and dropped on a form in the Form Designer.
The palette is also displayed in queries represented as a standard grid and allows dragging and dropping
attributes on the grid creating new columns to show.
4. New versions of default login pages
The default login form is now different. It is possible to customise the default login form and add an image
to it and/or the "Sign Up" text and the link to the Forgotten Password process.
5. Query results can now be shown as trees
6. Ability to run the Configuration Tool across the Internet (debugging not supported) connecting to a remote
7. Integration with Zoho document editing has been updated to use the latest Zoho API

1. Ability to specify "bottom of the form" as location for any panel operation (not only Save and Close operations)
2. Ability to delete selected columns and operations by pressing the Del key in the Query Preview
3. Ability to specify default label alignment for new forms
4. Ability to specify font size and theme when creating a new Visual Perspective
5. Ability to specify a description when adding a new object, query, process, rule and other elements
6. Ability to specify theme and font size when creating a business space
7. A new checkbox in the Logger Settings dialog to save server and Tomcat consoles as files
8. Ability to specify default date and time formats for a business space version.
The formats can be changed using properties of a BSV (including the ability to change format of all existing
date/timestamp attributes). Default formats can also be specified when creating a new business space.
9. Ability to specify default page margins for a business space version.
10.Properties of filters can now be added to grid styles
11.Ability to swap columns in the Form Designer (drag and drop selected column)
12.Ability to specify operations for the multi-selector widget
13.Ability to specify panel operations for content panels in visual perspectives
14.Ability to save a list of attributes of an object into a text file
15.Ability to specify an icon when a reference attribute is displayed on a tab in a form
16.Up-to-date MySQL driver
17.The TRANSLATE function takes an optional extra parameter to indicate a locale to translate to

- Chart queries with aggregates didn't work for objects with external persistence
- Kanban could not be used in forms
- If several grouped queries were displayed on the same screen "collapsed initially" flag didn't work properly
- Using "modern" headers for content panels in a VP caused layout designer not to display panel content
- Value of the "status code" attribute was not saved in the Config Tool when defining a REST service
- Incoming emails with HTML attachments didn't work properly
- Sometimes column headers were displayed as raw HTML when exporting queries in Excel
- Delete on choices dialog didn't work properly
- Moving panel operation up and down on a form didn't move it in the toolbar
- Paste operation was not available on right click in the Report Designer
- Presentation rules on a form were not renamed when the object was renamed
- "Display message" for pager in custom queries didn't work
- Calling REST with UTF-8 characters didn't work
Aware IM Support Team
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Re: Aware IM 8.8 has been released!

Post by hpl123 »

Awesome, kudos.
Henrik (V8 Developer Ed. - Windows)
Posts: 4238
Joined: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:44 pm

Re: Aware IM 8.8 has been released!

Post by tford »

Vladimir, you continue to amaze me at how you target important improvements to keep adding to Aware IM's speed and functionality, then deliver them ON TIME.

So refreshing when so many software tools these days do not make their roadmaps visible to users and only deliver small bits of value with new releases.

Keep up the great work!
Tom - V8.8 build 3137 - MySql / PostGres
Posts: 7540
Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:36 am

Re: Aware IM 8.8 has been released!

Post by aware_support »

Thank you for your kind words, Tom
Aware IM Support Team
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