Create / Generate Image with BO Data Overlay?

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Create / Generate Image with BO Data Overlay?

Post by T0M »

Is it possible to populate a generic image with BO.Attr data "overlay" to make it personalized to users?

Like issuing a ticket ..which then has ticket number, user ID, date and name printed on it.

I thought of buying such image/template and may be able to "print" userdata on it.
So if user logs in and is presented the image.. it should have his personal data.

Image ... p/23332490? (link because that's the origin of the pic above)

How to do that? Any pointers?

(I'm not sure if to start with report designer -where i see image, but no data overlay onto that image- or i may need to fiddle somewhere else?..)
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Re: Create / Generate Image with BO Data Overlay?

Post by UnionSystems »

Perhaps a REST service that produces a ticket document would be a good solution. There seem to be a number of people doing this. Eg They may offer more functionality than you actually want.
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Re: Create / Generate Image with BO Data Overlay?

Post by T0M »

Thanks for that iwannaticket link.. noted that for later. (You're right.. way more stuff than needed.. )

I'd love to get it done within native AwareIM functionalities if possible (got the feeling it sure is.. but no idea how)

..having the blank ticket as background image on a report? .. and fiddle with positioning?
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Re: Create / Generate Image with BO Data Overlay?

Post by Jaymer »

ImageMagick behind the scenes
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