Priorities - Speed

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Priorities - Speed

Post by PointsWell »

Bruce made a comment on Speed and Queries in the main thread, answered here to not overwhelm thread.
However, there are 2 areas I would love to see improvements.
1. Speed. There are many times I use a stored procedure because queries that join to multiple tables are a little slower in Aware. It could be the amount of traffic that aware returns (Seems to be all the columns in a table). This is way above my pay grade, but perhaps if my custom app was compiled as a Java bean it would run faster.
Check the SQL that is running on the server. If you’ve got relations and shortcuts these are being evaluated all the way down the relationship chain.

The new Resolve Shortcut flag can be used to enhance the speed by not evaluating the chain of the shortcut.
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Re: Priorities - Speed

Post by customaware »

I am to scared to use the Resolve Shortcut Flag...

Tried it out when first releases.
Did not spend enough time to really understand what it was intended to do and how to use it properly.
Initial trial broke a few things if I remember rightly....

I suppose I should make some time to revisit.

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Re: Priorities - Speed

Post by Jaymer »

Mark, check out this: ... 373#p58373

I didn’t experience fatal issues in trying to get that resolved Shortcuts issue working like you did. Other than the list of improvements needed, it seem to make sense and do exactly what I wanted.

Bruce had reported that he didn’t realize the speed up that he was expecting.
I can’t say anything is terribly faster than I noticed at that time. In fact, I kind of forgot about the feature until now, and I haven’t gone out of my way to tweak queries since my initial tests with it.
If these improvements were added, then they would certainly make it a lot better .
But it definitely shouldn’t allow you to delete Shortcuts and break something down the road. With some effort, Vlad should be able to write code that would check for this. Not saying that it’s easy code. But WE shouldn’t have to do all that checking.
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