Next Version Release Date - any news ?

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Next Version Release Date - any news ?

Post by ACDC »

Any news on the next Version release date and features ?
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Re: Next Version Release Date - any news ?

Post by BLOMASKY »

Wonder if they wil tie it to the next Aware conference???

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Re: Next Version Release Date - any news ?

Post by aware_support »

The new version will be released sometime in January. The list of features is below (no documentation yet):

New Features:
- New Java
- Latest Kendo UI library with new themes (new preview browser engine for Windows based on Edge). Two themes are show-cased in the CRM (Bootstrap 3) and Library apps (Aqua Dark theme)
- Support for high resolution in dialogs of the Configuration Tool
- Redesign of outgoing emails (they are now specified in business version properties just like incoming emails
- Support for OAuth in emails
- Redesign of filters:
- Generic filter control that filters for all specified attributes using OR (showcased in the CRM app)
- "User defined" filter (new)
- "Value list" filter (new) - showcased in the Issue Resolution Issues page ("Issue All" query)
- Ability to combine different forms of filters
- Filters are fully supported for standard, custom queries, charts and calendars
- Support for QRCodes in forms and custom queries.
In custom queries:
<div class="aw-qrcode-settings" border-width="2px" border-color="#ff0000" color=#00ff00" padding="15px">
- Support for Barcodes in forms and custom queries (showcased in the SalesPortal app).
In custom queries:
<div class="aw-barcode-settings" type="code39" width="280" height="100">
- Support for Line Icons font (free) - when any icon in the Config. Tool is selected there is a button to select from the Line Icons font or from Font Awesome font

- Support for tiles.
Tiles are boxes often used in dashboards. You can put content into a tile on a grid.
Each of the 9 possible locations can have text or icon or chart (Kendo sparkline). A tile can be chosen as content of
a content panel (like GM, HTML etc). You can export a tile into XML and import it - thus copying/pasting into different VPs.
Tiles can be selected from templates. You can also add your own tile to the list of templates if you export a tile and put it in the
new folder under AwareIM/TileTemplates. When a new tab is created in a VP you can initialise it with tiles
Same when creating a new business space (in Themes, tiles and font size link). When adding text or charts you can specify tag
expressions <<COUNT SystemUser>>. This is how you specify data for bullet and pie charts. For other charts data is collected using a query.
There is also the Add Tiles button in the VP's toolbar that replaces the content of the current tab with selected tiles
(showcased in the Dashboard in the CRM, Issue Resolution and Library apps)

- Button Group widget for text attributes with static choices (showcased in the CRM app in forms for OutgoingLetter and OutgoingEmail objects)

- Support for special editing widgets in standard queries - switches, rating, toggle button, button group. They work
in the inline editing mode - if a column is not editable, they are displayed as read-only widgets. If the column is editable
clicking on them immediately changes the value in the database and recalculates the current record. Toggle button works for Yes/No
attributes and for text with choices, where it toggles through possible choices. Styling presentation rules of the corresponding
attribute may determine the colors of the Toggle Button and buttons of a Button Group.
These can be specified if you select a column of the grid and choose Display/Editing property. Or if you go to the properties of
the column from Displayed Columns and click on the Column Display button
(showcased in the CRM "Unsent Letters" query, also Issue Resolution - "Issues All" query, "Issues Closed" query)

- Support for WorkSheets (new node in the tree - can drag and drop into a WorkSheet, go to element, add items from Find References)
- Redesign of a Duration attribute - new widget to edit the format of duration (also supports the initial value) - showcased in CRM (
forms of all objects that are members of the Communication group) (zeroes are not allowed)

- Default for Yes/No switch is Yes/No
- Improvements for Google Maps
- ability to specify marker shape and color (and custom marker) in presentation rules (new element type there Google Maps Marker)
- Presentation rules for labels can be used to display a label on the marker
- Get Directions operation can be used in Operations with Records for a query (if this query is used by a Google Map in a VP)
Also, has an option to display detailed directions in a separate window
- Ablity to specify panel caption separately from Panel Header, which allows to use captions in popup wwindows, for example, when there is no panel header
- Panel Operations can now be allowed on forms when a new object is being created. A special flag when defining a panel operation
- YESNAME and NONAME keys for the DISPLAY QUESTION action: DISPLAY QUESTION 'Do you want to continue' YESNAME 'I do' NONAME 'I do not'
- Tree improvements (multi-column only)
- Item display rules are supported,
- Grouping of operations on records
- Checkbox selection (pick from)
- Trees now support business object groups
- If a tree is expanded, sorting and filtering is supported (including filter row).
- Stylistical improvements to the bootstrap theme (showcased in the CRM sample app)
- Modern and classic left menu style (showcased in the Library sample app, which has a Modern style left menu)
- FORCE POPUP option for ENTER NEW and EDIT actions to override "single tab mode"
- Scaling issue with ID_GEN and MySQL. New setting in BASServer.props MULTISERVER=true
- Select All/Deselect All for a multi-attribute cell dialog
- Label style available for pictures
- While consuming REST service it is possible to encode Yes/No as boolean (a new drop down in Request Body details.
- "Absolute positioning" property when editing forms to solve the problem of "tall" controls in forms - showcased in CRM (Customer Photo, Interests checkboxes)
- Support for grouping in combo boxes of references and multi-selectors (showcased in Issue Resolution - form of the Issue object (Assigned To)
- Scheduler improvements
- Yearly view with the ability to specify number of months to show (showcased in CRM - "Company Diary" query)
- Maximum events per day for monthly view
- Adaptive slot height for monthly view(showcased in CRM - Company Diary)
- Control of allocation of 'all day' slot
- Html Editor improvements
- Images can be scaled
- Ability to control which tools of the editor are available
- UI style for calendar widgets - classic and modern
- Compact size flag for standard queries
- Ability to add "chip" widget to custom queries:
<div class="aw-chip-settings" fill_mode="outline" icon="check"0>
- Process diagram - selected expression is now displayed on the right and supports context assistant
- Invisibility condition for content panels in visual perspectives
- Ability to set a style to a reference grid in the Form Designer
- Chart improvements:
- Ability to combine more chart types in series
- Area charts - stacked, show markers, smooth and stepped (Library sample app - dashboard)
- New chart types:
- Vertical bullet
- Range Bar
- Range Area
- Bubble
- Scatter
- Funnel
- Bullet (in a visual perspective only)(showcased in SalesPortal in the TeamEfficiency tab, also in Library - inside tiles)
- Circular and Arc gauge (showcased in tthe Issue Resolution dashboard)
- Gauges in visual perspective
- More properties for gauges
- Visibility of major and minor ticks of an axis
- Color ranges support for axis in charts and gauges (Issue Resolution dashboard)
- Support for start angle, 'explode' and auto fit content for pie and donuts (explode is showcased in the Library dashboard)
- Support for stepped line
- Radar - area and bar
- SUpport for multiple Y axes and axis crossing values (usually specified as X crossing value) - showcased in the CRM chart)
- Menu command to toggle visibility of the left menu (Library sample app - dashboard)
- DQ() function to generate double quotation marks
- Ability to specify settings for popup windows of processes and Add New Reference operations. Also menu items
- Ability to specify different choices in different forms
Aware IM Support Team
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Re: Next Version Release Date - any news ?

Post by Jaymer »

thats a LOT of pretty incredible features - some of which have been needed for years so its great to see them!

the filtering options are going to help the UI and end-users to make Aware more feature-similar to other modern code-free tools... basically "more natural searching"

Some Qs:
1) Font-awesome support inside Reports?
2) Any improvement for Drilldowns in charts?
Click Here to see a collection of my tips & hacks on this forum. Or search for "JaymerTip" in the search bar at the top.

Aware Programming & Consulting - Tampa FL
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Re: Next Version Release Date - any news ?

Post by aware_support »

1) and 2)
No, not yet
Aware IM Support Team
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Re: Next Version Release Date - any news ?

Post by hpl123 »

aware_support wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2023 8:29 pm The new version will be released sometime in January. The list of features is below (no documentation yet):

New Features:
- New Java
- Latest Kendo UI library with new themes (new preview browser engine for Windows based on Edge). Two themes are show-cased in the CRM (Bootstrap 3) and Library apps (Aqua Dark theme)
- Support for high resolution in dialogs of the Configuration Tool
- Redesign of outgoing emails (they are now specified in business version properties just like incoming emails
- Support for OAuth in emails
- Redesign of filters:
- Generic filter control that filters for all specified attributes using OR (showcased in the CRM app)
- "User defined" filter (new)
- "Value list" filter (new) - showcased in the Issue Resolution Issues page ("Issue All" query)
- Ability to combine different forms of filters
- Filters are fully supported for standard, custom queries, charts and calendars
- Support for QRCodes in forms and custom queries.
In custom queries:
<div class="aw-qrcode-settings" border-width="2px" border-color="#ff0000" color=#00ff00" padding="15px">
- Support for Barcodes in forms and custom queries (showcased in the SalesPortal app).
In custom queries:
<div class="aw-barcode-settings" type="code39" width="280" height="100">
- Support for Line Icons font (free) - when any icon in the Config. Tool is selected there is a button to select from the Line Icons font or from Font Awesome font

- Support for tiles.
Tiles are boxes often used in dashboards. You can put content into a tile on a grid.
Each of the 9 possible locations can have text or icon or chart (Kendo sparkline). A tile can be chosen as content of
a content panel (like GM, HTML etc). You can export a tile into XML and import it - thus copying/pasting into different VPs.
Tiles can be selected from templates. You can also add your own tile to the list of templates if you export a tile and put it in the
new folder under AwareIM/TileTemplates. When a new tab is created in a VP you can initialise it with tiles
Same when creating a new business space (in Themes, tiles and font size link). When adding text or charts you can specify tag
expressions <<COUNT SystemUser>>. This is how you specify data for bullet and pie charts. For other charts data is collected using a query.
There is also the Add Tiles button in the VP's toolbar that replaces the content of the current tab with selected tiles
(showcased in the Dashboard in the CRM, Issue Resolution and Library apps)

- Button Group widget for text attributes with static choices (showcased in the CRM app in forms for OutgoingLetter and OutgoingEmail objects)

- Support for special editing widgets in standard queries - switches, rating, toggle button, button group. They work
in the inline editing mode - if a column is not editable, they are displayed as read-only widgets. If the column is editable
clicking on them immediately changes the value in the database and recalculates the current record. Toggle button works for Yes/No
attributes and for text with choices, where it toggles through possible choices. Styling presentation rules of the corresponding
attribute may determine the colors of the Toggle Button and buttons of a Button Group.
These can be specified if you select a column of the grid and choose Display/Editing property. Or if you go to the properties of
the column from Displayed Columns and click on the Column Display button
(showcased in the CRM "Unsent Letters" query, also Issue Resolution - "Issues All" query, "Issues Closed" query)

- Support for WorkSheets (new node in the tree - can drag and drop into a WorkSheet, go to element, add items from Find References)
- Redesign of a Duration attribute - new widget to edit the format of duration (also supports the initial value) - showcased in CRM (
forms of all objects that are members of the Communication group) (zeroes are not allowed)

- Default for Yes/No switch is Yes/No
- Improvements for Google Maps
- ability to specify marker shape and color (and custom marker) in presentation rules (new element type there Google Maps Marker)
- Presentation rules for labels can be used to display a label on the marker
- Get Directions operation can be used in Operations with Records for a query (if this query is used by a Google Map in a VP)
Also, has an option to display detailed directions in a separate window
- Ablity to specify panel caption separately from Panel Header, which allows to use captions in popup wwindows, for example, when there is no panel header
- Panel Operations can now be allowed on forms when a new object is being created. A special flag when defining a panel operation
- YESNAME and NONAME keys for the DISPLAY QUESTION action: DISPLAY QUESTION 'Do you want to continue' YESNAME 'I do' NONAME 'I do not'
- Tree improvements (multi-column only)
- Item display rules are supported,
- Grouping of operations on records
- Checkbox selection (pick from)
- Trees now support business object groups
- If a tree is expanded, sorting and filtering is supported (including filter row).
- Stylistical improvements to the bootstrap theme (showcased in the CRM sample app)
- Modern and classic left menu style (showcased in the Library sample app, which has a Modern style left menu)
- FORCE POPUP option for ENTER NEW and EDIT actions to override "single tab mode"
- Scaling issue with ID_GEN and MySQL. New setting in BASServer.props MULTISERVER=true
- Select All/Deselect All for a multi-attribute cell dialog
- Label style available for pictures
- While consuming REST service it is possible to encode Yes/No as boolean (a new drop down in Request Body details.
- "Absolute positioning" property when editing forms to solve the problem of "tall" controls in forms - showcased in CRM (Customer Photo, Interests checkboxes)
- Support for grouping in combo boxes of references and multi-selectors (showcased in Issue Resolution - form of the Issue object (Assigned To)
- Scheduler improvements
- Yearly view with the ability to specify number of months to show (showcased in CRM - "Company Diary" query)
- Maximum events per day for monthly view
- Adaptive slot height for monthly view(showcased in CRM - Company Diary)
- Control of allocation of 'all day' slot
- Html Editor improvements
- Images can be scaled
- Ability to control which tools of the editor are available
- UI style for calendar widgets - classic and modern
- Compact size flag for standard queries
- Ability to add "chip" widget to custom queries:
<div class="aw-chip-settings" fill_mode="outline" icon="check"0>
- Process diagram - selected expression is now displayed on the right and supports context assistant
- Invisibility condition for content panels in visual perspectives
- Ability to set a style to a reference grid in the Form Designer
- Chart improvements:
- Ability to combine more chart types in series
- Area charts - stacked, show markers, smooth and stepped (Library sample app - dashboard)
- New chart types:
- Vertical bullet
- Range Bar
- Range Area
- Bubble
- Scatter
- Funnel
- Bullet (in a visual perspective only)(showcased in SalesPortal in the TeamEfficiency tab, also in Library - inside tiles)
- Circular and Arc gauge (showcased in tthe Issue Resolution dashboard)
- Gauges in visual perspective
- More properties for gauges
- Visibility of major and minor ticks of an axis
- Color ranges support for axis in charts and gauges (Issue Resolution dashboard)
- Support for start angle, 'explode' and auto fit content for pie and donuts (explode is showcased in the Library dashboard)
- Support for stepped line
- Radar - area and bar
- SUpport for multiple Y axes and axis crossing values (usually specified as X crossing value) - showcased in the CRM chart)
- Menu command to toggle visibility of the left menu (Library sample app - dashboard)
- DQ() function to generate double quotation marks
- Ability to specify settings for popup windows of processes and Add New Reference operations. Also menu items
- Ability to specify different choices in different forms
Awesome stuff and a lot of things I have been waiting a long time for.
Henrik (V8 Developer Ed. - Windows)
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Re: Next Version Release Date - any news ?

Post by BLOMASKY »

lets see. how many days until January? Wait, with the international date line, will it be released a day earlier or later than I expect?

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Location: California, USA

Re: Next Version Release Date - any news ?

Post by ACDC »

The slide in LEFT menu feature implemented in AwareIM is focused on MOBILE use rather than using it in the desktop.

Currently it supports only single menu items. If I have a hierarchy in my menu and click on the expand menu option, it closes the menu before I can select the menu item. A Standard menu with a hierarchy is not supported either.

Also, the auto collapse feature makes the menu totally disappear, having the option to semi-collapse to the Menu icons only would be good for better menu behavior and be more user-friendly.

I asked support if they would consider extending the functionality of the Drawer widget to include the above functionality.

They responded: Its already been done and will be in the new release :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Here is a link to the Drawer widget in action - collapsing to icons only will make my menu system rock (click on the main menu hamburger icon to see its action)
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Re: Next Version Release Date - any news ?

Post by hpl123 »

ACDC wrote: Sun Dec 10, 2023 8:28 pm The slide in LEFT menu feature implemented in AwareIM is focused on MOBILE use rather than using it in the desktop.

Currently it supports only single menu items. If I have a hierarchy in my menu and click on the expand menu option, it closes the menu before I can select the menu item. A Standard menu with a hierarchy is not supported either.

Also, the auto collapse feature makes the menu totally disappear, having the option to semi-collapse to the Menu icons only would be good for better menu behavior and be more user-friendly.

I asked support if they would consider extending the functionality of the Drawer widget to include the above functionality.

They responded: Its already been done and will be in the new release :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Here is a link to the Drawer widget in action - collapsing to icons only will make my menu system rock (click on the main menu hamburger icon to see its action)
Awesome stuff and very much needed. When implementing this support, please make sure the collapse/expand of the menu occurs ABOVE the content of the VP i.e so the main VP and all the content panels etc. located there doesn't have to autoadjust width.
Henrik (V8 Developer Ed. - Windows)
Posts: 2502
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Re: Next Version Release Date - any news ?

Post by Jaymer »

Since we are improving the Kendo UI portion, we really need a SIMPLER way to change the line spacing in a drop down/combo box.
I've done it plenty but its a pain. Sometimes you just need tighter spacing to avoid having to scroll in a dropdown.
We can set width of the control easy enough.
Need another option here to override CSS spacing of items (how tightly each item is spaced in the list) AND the kendo listsize (in pixels) (the overall height on the form)
Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 3.05.56 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 3.05.56 PM.png (37.07 KiB) Viewed 152349 times
Click Here to see a collection of my tips & hacks on this forum. Or search for "JaymerTip" in the search bar at the top.

Aware Programming & Consulting - Tampa FL
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